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A Glimpse into Early Modern English How William Shakespeare created English Language --Early Modern English in William Shakespeares dramas Active Recreation of Loan Words Shakespeare’s scripts contain over 2200 never-before-seen words— a diverse collection of loan-words from foreign languages, compound words from existing English terms, nouns turned into verbs, and creatively applied prefixes. Borrowing of New Words Historical Background: Renaissance The demand for translations of these works stimulated the borrowing of words from the classical languages. Borrowing of New Words - New words from Latin and Greek ex. These include such words as accommodation, addiction, anticipate, compatible, democracy, education, encyclopedia, excellent, pretext and profitable. Borrowing of New Words In Shakespeares Case: the use of foreign words ex. “Negotiate” in Much Ado About Nothing (无事生非) ORIGIN early 17th cent.: from Latin negotiat - ‘done in the course of business,’ from the verb negotiari, from negotium ‘business,’ from neg - ‘not’ + otium ‘leisure.’ In Much Ado About Nothing Let every eye negotiate for itself, And trust no agent, for beauty is a witch Against whose charms faith meltedth into blood. 让恋人用自己的眼睛去传达情意 , 不用请人代劳 ,因为美貌是个女巫, 她的魔力会使忠诚被热情取代。 Extending the Usage of Words and Phrases Historical Background: Changes in the Vocabulary of English Language - Disappearance of Inflectional Endings Modern English was becoming more flexible Extending the Usage of Words and Phrases Deviation away from Original Meanings ex.1 egregious, or exemplary -Original Meaning: excellent -Extened Meanings Exemplary Extending the Usage of Words and Phrases - Transition between Noun and Verb Writers were able to invent new uses for words with great freedom. For example,



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