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PEC环境工程英语证书考试-污水处理词汇 A/A/O法 anaerobic-anoxic-oxic process(厌氧-缺氧-好氧法) A/O法(厌氧-好氧法) anaerobic-oxic process A-A-O生物脱氮除磷工艺 A-A-O biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal process AB法 Adsorption Biodegradation process(吸附生物降解法) A-O除磷工艺 A-O phosphorus removal process A-O脱氮工艺 A-O nitrogen removal process BMTS型一体化氧化沟 BMTS intrachannel clarifier oxidation ditch BOD-污泥负荷 BOD-sludge load K型叶轮曝气机 K type impeller aerator r射线 gamma rays water into groundwater aquifer 氨氮 ammonia-nitrogen 氨化反应 Nitragen 氨基酸 amino acid 铵盐 ammonium salt 奥贝尔(Orbal)型氧化沟 Orbal oxidation ditch 巴登福脱氮除磷工艺  Bardenpho nitrogen and phosphorus removal process 白水(漂洗废水) white water(bleaching water) 板框压滤 plate pressure filtration 半渗透膜 semi-permeable membrane 棒状杆菌属 corynebacterium 饱和常数(Ks) saturation constant 暴雨公式 storm flow formula 暴雨径流 storm runoff 苯 benzene 苯胺 aniline 泵型叶轮暴气器 paddle impeller aerator 泵站 pumping station 闭路循环 closed loop 表面冲洗 surface washing 表面冲洗装置 surface washing facility 表面负荷 surface load 表面过滤 surface filtration 表面活性剂 surfactant 表面活性物质 surface active additive agent 表面曝气 surface aeration 表面曝气器 surface aerator 表面淹灌 surface flood irrigation 丙烯腈 acrylonitrile 丙烯酸 acrylic acid 病毒 virus 病原菌(致病菌) pathogen 病原微生物 pathogen microorganism 薄膜式淋水填料 film packing 补充水 make-up water 布朗运动 Brownian movement 财务评价 financial evaluation 侧渠型一体化氧化沟 integrated oxidation ditch with side ditch 产甲烷细菌 methanogenes 产率系数 yield coefficient 产氢气乙酸菌 Rydrogenes and acetic aid genes 常规给水处理工艺 conventional water treatment processes 敞开式循环冷却水系统 opened recirculating cooling water system 超高纯水 ultra-high-purify water 超过滤 ultrafiltration 超过滤膜法 ultrafiltration membrane process 沉淀 precipitation, sedimentation 沉淀池 sedimentation tank 沉砂池 grit chamber 城市废水 municipal wastewater 城市废水处理 municipal wastewater treatment 澄清 clalification 充满度 degree of fullness 抽风式机械通风冷却塔 induced draft mechanical cooling tower 臭氧发生器 ozone generator 臭氧法 ozonation process 臭氧消毒 ozone disinfection 初次(级)沉淀池 primary clarifier, primary sedimentation tank 除氟 algal fluorine 除水器 dr


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