Fractals in Biology and strongMedicinestrong - Shlomo Havlin.pdf

Fractals in Biology and strongMedicinestrong - Shlomo Havlin.pdf

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Chaos. Solitons Frorrals Vol. 6, pp. 171-201, 1995 Elsevicr Science Ltd Rimed in Great Britain 0960-0779/95 $9.50 l .Ou 0960-0779(94)00259-2 Fractals in Biology and Medicine S. HAVLIN,** S.V. BULDYREV,’ A.L. GOLDBERGER,’ RN. MANTEGNA,* S.M. OSSADNIK; C.-K. PENG,” M. SIMONSt8 and H.E. STANLEY’ l Centerfor Polymer Studies and Department of Physics, Boston University,Boston, MA USA t Department of Physics, Bar-ilan University,Ramat-Gan, Israel t Cardiovascular Division, Harvard Medical School, Beth Israel Hospital, Boston, MA 02215 USA @Department of Biology, Mfl Cambridge, MA 02139 USA Abstract - Our purpose is to describe some recent progress in applying fractal concepts to systems of relevance to biology and medicine. We review several biological systems charac- terized by fractal geometry, with a particular focus on the long-range power-law correlations found recently in DNA sequences containing noncoding material, Furthermore, we discuss the finding that t



