Movement patterns of rural and suburban white-tailed deer in.pdfVIP

Movement patterns of rural and suburban white-tailed deer in.pdf

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Urban Ecosystems. 8: 10 1-202.2005 a, 2@ Springer Science + Rusiness Meilia. Inc. Mcrrrr~/it~rrrrrdirr Tlre NerlrrrluirB. Movement patterns of rural and suburban white-tailed deer in Massachusetts CHRISTOPHER R. GAUCilHAN* gaughan@ USGS Mu.s.tu(~lrrr.serr.sCoo/w,rtrive Fislt urrd Wildl~feResrurclr Urrir urrd Depurrtrrerrr ~fMrrcrrctlRc.~o~~rce.vCorr- .ter~ctriorr.Hrrldrn~orrlrNurrrrul Resorrrce.~Ccrrrec U~river.tiyr~fMu.rscr~~lrr~.terr.s,Attrlrersr. M A 01003. USA STEPHEN DESTEFANO~ sdestef@forwiI USGS Mu.tcut~1rr1srrr.rGtoperurive Fi.slr urrd Wildl~jieRe.ceun~11Urrir. Hold.s~~itrrlrNcrrorctl Re.sorrrc.e.t Cerrrer: Urri- ~,r,:ciry~fMtrs.scrc~lr~r.trrr.s, A 01003. USA Abstract. We used satellite land cover data and the program FRACiSTATS to quantify land cover types and calculate the amount o f forest edge available in suburban ant1 rural regions o f northeastern and northwestern Mas- sachusetts. Cover categories included forest cover, open canopy vegetation. and non-deer habitat. We calculated all edge segments where forest cover abutted open canopy cover. Our open canopy vegetation category was calcu- lated both with ant1 without low intensity suburban tlevelopment. We then compared these findings to movement data from 53 (13 males. 40 females) adult ratlio-marked white-tailed deer (0rlrtc~itilecr.tvir~irticrrrlr.t)monitored biweekly and diurnally from January 2001 to January 2003. The range of movements o f suburban (leer in eastcrn Massachusetts showed no difference to that of suburban deer in western Massachusetts ( P = 0.7). However. the ranges for suburban deer in both eastern and western Massachusetts were I 0 times less



