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翻译 化学家感兴趣的是物质的成分和性质,以及他们在化学反应中所发生的变化。 The chemist is interested in the composition and properties of substances and the transformations they undergo during a chemical reaction. 如果没有麻醉,今天外科大夫所施行的精细手术是不可能的。 The delicate operations performed by surgeons today would not be possible without anesthetics, 化疗是通过施用化学物质来杀灭体内病原体或阻止其生长的治疗方法。 Chemotherapy is the treatment of disease by the administration of chemical substances which kill or prevent the growth of pathogenic organisms within the body. 由药物产生的奇怪的思维状态对理解精神病的病因或治疗精神病并没有多大帮助。 The strange mental states produced by drugs did not help much towards understanding the cause of, or finding treatments for insanity. 在医院,许多新药正在使用,预期这些药品产生一些特定的效果,并且从总体上希望尽可能少的副作用。 In hospitals a number of new drugs were being used. These drugs were intended to have specific effects and on the whole it was hoped that they would have as few side-effects as possible. 由于采用了现代分离和药理试验方法,新的植物药通常是设法制成提纯物后应用于医疗的。 As a result of modern isolation and pharmacological testing procedures , new plant drugs usually find their way into medicine as purified substances. 生药学所采用的有关植物学、化学和物理学方面的许多技术,也可用于对食品、调味品及化妆品等其他商品的分析。 Many of the botanical, chemical and physical techniques employed in pharmacognosy are also applicable to the analysis of other commodities, such as foods, spices and comsmetics. 有些在民间传统中用于治疗癌症已有相当历史的植物,经过近年的植物化学检验,结果确实常分离出具有抗肿瘤活性的成分。 Recent phytochemical examination of plants which have a suitable history of use in folklore for the treatment of cancer has, indeed, often resulted in the isolation of principles with antitumour activity. 生物化学和生理学知识的增加,对于药理学已具有特别重要的意义,因为它使生物过程导入了化学控制的概念。 The growth of knowledge of biochemistry and physiology, which led to the concept of the chemical control of biological processes, has been of particular importance for pharmacology. 既然人体从本质上讲是一台化学机器,那么,有关人体功能的化学知识对医生来说就显得至关重要了。 Since the body is essentially a chemical machine, a knowledge of the chemistry of bodily functions seems essential to the physician. 人们从活体分离出越来


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