
04机的电学院2013级培养方案 1.pdf

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04机的电学院2013级培养方案 1

机械工程专业本科培养方案 Undergraduate Program for Specialty in Mechanical Engineering 一、业务培养目标 Ⅰ Educational Objectives 机械工程专业培养具备机械装备设计、制造、自动化和计算机的基础知识与应用能力,能在工业 企业或科研设计单位从事机械工程领域内的设计制造、科研开发、应用研究和运行管理等方面工作的 高级工程技术人才。 Specialty in Mechanical Engineering Program aims at training the students who will demonstrate the knowledge and ability in machine design, manufacturing processes, automation, and computer technology application. Students are qualified in design, process, scientific and technological development, applied research, and operational management in industrial departments, enterprise organizations and RD institutes. 二、业务培养要求 Ⅱ Educational Requirement 机械工程专业学生主要学习机械设计、制造的基础知识,受到现代机械工程师的基本训练,具有 从事机构设计、制造及控制的基本能力; 1. 具有较扎实的自然科学基础,较好的人文、艺术和社会科学基础; 2. 较系统地掌握本专业领域宽广的技术理论基础知识,主要包括力学、机械学、电子与电工学、 流体力学等基础知识; 3. 具有本专业必需的制图、计算、测试、文献检索和基本工艺操作等基本技能; 4. 具有较强的计算机能力和外语应用能力; 5.具有本专业领域内某个专业方向所必需的专业知识,了解其科学前沿及发展趋势; 6.具有较强的自学能力、研究能力、创新意识和较高的综合素质。 The students specializing in Mechanical Engineering will learn basic theory of machine design and manufacturing processes, and will be trained to become qualified modern mechanical engineers who are able to design product, manufacture parts, and control key elements or optimize manufacturing system by applying concepts of science, mathematics, engineering, and technology. 1. Students will demonstrate knowledge in natural science and social science, and demonstrate understanding of human factors and professional code of ethics. 2. Students will have a broad knowledge in discipline related fields including mechanics of materials, mechanical design theory, electricity and electronics, fluid power and hydromechanics, and design


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