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沈阳建筑大学 毕业设计说明书 毕 业 设 计 题 目 沈阳东立地产办公楼设计 学院专业班级 土木工程学院土木10-09班 学 生 姓 名 宋立东 性别 男 指 导 教 师 王凤池 职称 教授 2014年 6月13日 摘要 本设计为沈阳东立地产办公楼,占地面积约1031.24平方米,建筑面积5265.2平方米。本建筑为五层,总高度19.65米,室内外高差为0.45米,女儿墙高0.9米。建筑采用“L”形,总长度为52.0米,总宽度为27.1米。建筑立面规整,采用外墙瓷砖,女儿墙用混凝土浇筑,其余内外墙均采用混凝土空心砌块砌筑。除建筑入口门为玻璃门外,其余均采用实木门,窗为塑钢窗。 本工程结构形式为钢筋混凝土现浇框架结构,框架柱混凝土强度等级为C30,首层柱子截面550×550mm,其他层500×500mm,框架梁混凝土强度等级为C30,纵向框架梁截面为300600 mm,横向框架梁截面为300600 mm和300400 mm。建筑地点地质条件良好,采用柱下独立基础,基础埋深为1.80m,混凝土强度为C30。 本设计严格遵守我国现行规范和有关规定,计算中包括荷载汇集,地震作用,风荷载,内力组合,楼板设计,基础设计,楼梯设计等。其中水平地震作用的计算的方法采用底部剪力法,采用修正后的反弯点法(D值法)确定柱子的反弯点和内力。计算竖向荷载作用时采用弯矩的二次分配的方法。 关键词:毕业设计;办公楼;框架梁;柱下独立基础;钢筋混凝土 Abstract The name of this graduation design is the Shenyang Dongli real estate office building.This building covers area of 1031.24 square meters, which own five floors. The total building areas are 5256.2 square meters, and the total height is 19.65m, indoors and outside height is 0.45m, parapets are 0.9m height .The shape of the building plan is “L”, the total length is 52.0 m, and total width is 27.1 m .The design is formula. Use ceramic tile to the outside wall, use cast-in-place concrete to build the parpets, use concrete hollow block to all the wall. The front door uses glass door and the others choose solid wood doors. The windows choose plastic-- steel windows. The structural form of the civil engineering is reinforced concrete casting frame .The strength grade of the frame columns are C30,the cross sections of the first columns are 550×550mm,the others are 500×550mm.The strength grade of the frame beams are C30, the cross sections of the vertical beams are 300600 mm and the cross sections of the transverse beams are 300600mm and 300300 mm.The soil condition of the building site is good, so it uses under column independent foundation with the concrete of C30. T


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