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/Tobacco Science Technology /Equ ipm en t Apparatus 2010 2( 271) , 浙江中烟工业有限责任公司杭州制造部, 杭州市上城区中山南路 77 号 310008 : 卷烟厂生产车间; 调系统; 冷却塔; 冬季供冷; 节能 : 为降低卷烟厂工艺性中央 调制冷系统的运行能耗, 以杭州制造部为例, 通过分析生产车间冬季 供冷需求和杭州室外气象条件, 在现有冷冻站供冷系统中增加两套板式换热器及对应的旁通回路, 冬季 用冷却塔为产热量较大的生产车间免费供冷分析计算冷却塔在冬季供冷运行模式下的热工性能可 知, 单台板式换热器的换热能力若达到一台冷水机组的制冷能力水平, 应开启 2台冷却塔和 2台冷却水 循环泵同时运行比较冬季冷却塔供冷与冷水机组变水温两种运行模式可知, 冷却塔供冷运行模式的 6 节能效果可提高 60%以上, 每年可节约用电2. 5 10 kW h, 节省费用约 207万元 : TS438 : B : 1002- 0861( 2010) 02- 0011- 05 FulfillCooling Demand of Production Shop DuringW inter by Cooling Towers for Energy Saving in CigaretteFactory CHEN HUAPING and SHAO ZHENGYU Hangzhou M anufacture Departmen,t China Tobacco Zhejiang Industrial Co. , Ltd. , H angzhou 310008, China Keywords: Production shop of cigarette factory; A ir conditioning system; Cooling tow er; Cooling supply in w inter; Energy saving bstract: In order to reduce the energy consumption of centralized air conditioning system in cigarette factory, tak ing Hangzhou Cigarette Departm ent as an example, the cooling demand of production shopsw ith large heat production in w interw as fulfilled by cooling tow ers through analyzing the cooling demand of production shop and outdoor w eather cond itions of H angzhou in w inter, and add ing two sets of plate heat exchangers and corresponding bypass p ipelines to the existing refrigeration station. The analysis results of thermal characteris tics of the cooling tow er running in w inter ind icated that one heat exchanger should w ork in conjunction w ith wt o cooling tow ers and wt o cooling water circulation pumps to reach a cooling capacity comparable to that of onew ater chiller. Comparing w ith the w ater ch iller, cooling tow er could reduce energy consumption by more than 60% in w inter, i. e. 2. 5 m illion kWh electric pow er or 2. 07 m illion RMB Yuan per year. () , , [ 1] , , 4


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