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摘要 近年来随着城市化规模的不断扩大,水污染问题日益严峻,水质恶化以及水量减少,这不仅严重影响着人们的日常生活,也严重制约着当地经济发展。建设污水处理厂对防治当地水污染起着至关重要的影响。 本次设计是西北某市污水处理厂工艺设计。设计处理污水按照典型城市污水处理要求考虑,该处理厂设计规模为6万吨/日。经过处理后出水水质应达到《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB18918-2002)一级B标准的要求,并且要求脱氮除磷。本次设计采用工艺,该工艺总水力停留时间少于其他类工艺、不易发生污泥丝状膨胀、污泥含磷高,具有较高肥效、运行费用低等特点,在处理能力方面完全满足出水水质要求,各方面都符合本设计的要求。 本设计内容主要包括:设计说明书、设计计算书;并绘制了污水处理厂的总设计平面布置图、污水厂高程布置图以及主要构筑物的工艺图。其中污水泵房设计基本达到施工图的要求。 关键词:水污染;污水处理;工艺; Summary With the continuous expansion of urbanization in recent years, the scale of increasingly serious water pollution problems, deterioration of water quality and water quantity is reduced, which is not only a serious impact on peoples daily life, but also severely restricts the local economy. Construction of a sewage treatment plant for local pollution prevention plays a crucial impact. This design is a city sewage treatment plant northwest process design. Designed in accordance with the typical urban sewage wastewater treatment requires consideration of the treatment plant design capacity of 60,000 tons / day. After treatment, the water quality should be to achieve urban sewage treatment plant pollutant discharge standard (GB18918-2002) a B standards, and require nitrogen and phosphorus removal. The design uses technology, total hydraulic retention time of the process than other types of technology, less prone to swelling filamentous sludge, sludge phosphorus high, with high fertilizer efficiency, low operation cost, in terms of processing capacity to fully meet the water water quality requirements, comply with all aspects of the design requirements. The design should include: design specifications, design calculations; and draw a sewage treatment plant total design floorplan elevation sewage plant layout and major structures artwork. Sewage pumping stations which meet the requirements of the basic design of construction drawings. Keywords: water pollution; wastewater treatment; process; 目录 摘要 I 1.设计任务概述 1 1.2 设计任务及依据 1 1.2.1设计任务 1 1.2.2设计依据及原则 1 1.3.1 设计水量 2 1.3.2设计水质



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