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The PharmaceuticalThe Pharmaceutical
Industry in FiguresIndustry in Figures
Key Data • 2011 updateKey Data • 2011 update
nntthhee rreesseeaarrcchh--bbaasseedd pphhaarrmmaacceeuuttiiccaall inindduussttrryy ininvveesstteedd
Iaan en essttiimmaatteedd €€ 2277,,000000 mmiilllliioonn in Rin RDD in Ein Euurrooppee.. It dIt diirreeccttllyy
eemmppllooyyss 664400,,000000 ppeeooppllee anandd ggeenneerraatteess tthhrreeee ttoo ffoouurr ttiimmeess mmoorree
eempmpllooyymmeenntt iinnddiirreeccttlly – upy – upssttrreeaam and dowm and downnssttrreeaam – tm – thhaan in itt dodoeess
ddiirreeccttllyy.. HowHoweevveerr,, tthhee sseeccttoorr ffaacceess rreeaall cchhaalllleennggeess.. BBeessiiddeess tthhee
adadddiittiioonnaall rreegguullaattoorryy hhuurrddlleess anandd eessccaallaattiinngg RRDD ccoossttss, t, thhee sseeccttoorr
hhaass bbeeeenn sseevveerreelly hy hiitt bbyy tthhee impimpaacctt ooff fifissccaall aauusstteerriittyy meameassuurreess
iinnttrroodduucceedd bbyy ggoovveerrnnmmeennttss aaccrroossss mmuucchh ooff EEuurrooppee iinnaanndd iinn
■ There is rapid growth in the market and research environment in
emerging economies such as Brazil, China and India, leading to a
migration of economic and research activities outside of Europe
to these fast-growing markets. In 2010 the Brazilian and Chinese
markets grew by more than 20% (20,1% and 21,9% respectively)
compared with an average market growth of 1.8% for the fi ve ma-
j or European markets and 3.3% for the US market (source: IMS).
■ In 2010, North America accounted for 42.3% of world pharma-
ceutical sales compared with 29.2% for Europe. According to
IMS data, 61% of sales of new medicines launched during the
period 2005-2009 were on the US market,