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T h e v a lu e o f r e se a r eh o f 3 2 0 row d y n a m ie v o lu m e C T in th e ev a lu a tio n o f co ro n a ry a rt ery a n a to m y stru etu r e S P ecia lity :M ed ieal Im ag in g an d N u elear M ed iein e T u to r :P ro f.D in g C h en g zo n g A u th o r :认龟n g yu A b str a et o b jectiv e :肠 exP lore the value of 320一row dynam ie volum e C T in the evaluation of the eoronary art ery anatom 又 to exP lain its advantages in C T an giography (C T angiograPhy, C TA )of eoronary, and to analyze its elin ieal sign ifieanee in eoronary angiograPhy (C oronary an giograPh又 C A G ) and P ereutaneou s eoronary intervention (P ereutan eou s eoronary intervention ,P C I).M eth od : 70 eases of those wh o are exam ined by 320一row dy n am ie v o lumL e seann in g o f eo ro n ary C TA w h ieh w ith o u t d isea se ,to m ea su re th e ir subjects of the inn er diam eter(inLn er diam eter,ID ) of oPenings of the leftm ain coronary art ery (L M ),right eoronary artery (R C A ),left anterior descending art ery (L A D ),left eireum flex braneh (L C X ) and the aseending aortie (A A O );and the oPen in g Position s an d oP en in g an g les o f th e L M an d R C A ,an d th e an g le b etwe en L A D an d L C X :th e len gth o f LM .To disaggregate the data by gender 9 0叩s,and statistieally analyzed.R esu lts:①The ID o f L M 、R C A 、L A D 、L C X an d A A O are 4 .10土o .8 0 m m 、3 .5 2 士0 .6 9m m 、3 .4 3士0 .7 2 1111刀、 2 .84 士0 .7 7mm an d 2 8 .6 3士3 .0 6mm . 儿 110n g th em ,th e m a le gro u P ,5 m ean re sP eetiv e ly are 4 .2 5士0 .8 0m m 、 3 .7 8 士0 .6 8m m 、 3 .54 士0 .7 5m m 、 3 .0 6士0 .8 3 1lln l an d 2 9 .9 1土2 .g lm m ; th e fem a le g



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