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雅思阅读满分秘籍 如何阅读一篇心理学文章 ---乐静乐乐老师 如何冲到阅读9分 为什么要精读?为了解决这些问题 屡次考雅思 但是分数没有实质性提升 屡次考雅思 分数跌宕起伏 作文分数卡在5.5 上不去 阅读貌似能够读懂句子,但是一做题就出错,而且不明白为什么错 用单词书背单词 怎么也背不住 出国之后 读教授布置的书单很有困难 论文不过关 … 精读前应该做些什么? 限制时间,做完一篇雅思文章 对答案 查错题 看错题到底是如何错的 挑出错题中不理解的单词表达 专门准备一个错题本子 记录 精读基本三步骤 第一步:翻字典,挑出不认识单词,粗略翻译原文 有些单词 看到英文想起精确中文就好 此之谓随便看看型词汇 精读基本三步骤 第二步:在粗略翻译的基础上,挑出随便看看中一些重点词汇 普通名词 特殊意义的动词 关键形容词 这些词需要拼命记记 精读基本三步骤 第三步:在拼命记记的基础上 挑出长难句 进行精确翻译 定语从句 让步状语从句 长度横跨四行以上的句子 Nature? Nurture? 512 Nature n.禀性;天赋 nuture n. 养育;培育;教养;(总称)环境因素 human nature 人之本性 Milgrams Background Stanley Milgram (August 15, 1933 – December 20, 1984) was an American social psychologist. He conducted various studies and published articles during his lifetime, with the most notable being his controversial study on obedience to authority, conducted in the 1960s during his professorship at Yale. Milgram was influenced by the events of the Holocaust in developing this experiment. His dissertation while at Harvard, small-world experiment, would later help researchers articulate the mechanics of social networks and explore the mathematical relation to the degree of connectedness, most notably the six degrees of separation concept. 预热一下 Nature Nurture Obedience Holocaust Subject All walks of life Willingness obey distaste Volunteer Positive Range from Administer Supposed Emit A spectrum of An assortment of denounce 在故事的开头 四十个人走进了实验室 A few years ago, in one of the most fascinating and disturbing experiments in behavioural psychology, Stanley Milgram of Yale University tested 40 subjects from all walks of life for their willingness to obey instructions given by a ‘leader’ in a situation in which the subjects might feel a personal distaste for the actions they were called upon to perform. 等待他们的是这样一个实验 Specifically, Milgram told each volunteer ‘teacher-subject’ that the experiment was in the noble cause of education, and was designed to test whether or not punishing pupils for their mistakes would have a positive effect on the pupi


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