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2006 年 12 月 电 工 技 术 学 报 Vol.21 No.12 第 21 卷第 12 期 TRANSACTIONS OF CHINA ELECTROTECHNICAL SOCIETY Dec. 2006 SVC 广域辅助控制阻尼区域间低频振荡 常 勇 徐 政 (浙江大学电机系 杭州 310027 ) 摘要 SVC 已经广泛应用于电力系统的无功支持和电压控制,广域测量系统在国内外也已有 许多工程应用。本文利用广域测量信号为输入设计 SVC 的附加阻尼控制(PSDC) 。首先阐述了 SVC 提供阻尼的机理,然后提出了综合留数指标的概念,并据此选择具体的控制输入信号;接着基于 测试信号法和留数根轨迹方法相结合进行 PSDC 的参数设计;并利用 PSS/E 进行了特征值分析和 时域仿真分析验证了所设计的附加阻尼控制器的有效性。最后针对国内某实际电网外送工程中安 装的 SVC 设计了相应的阻尼控制器,时域仿真证明了 SVC 广域附加阻尼控制的有效性。 关键词:广域测量控制系统 SVC 综合留数指标 测试信号法 PSS/E 中图分类号:TM741.3 SVC Supplementary Controller Based on Wide Area Signals to Enhance Damping of Inter-Area Oscillation Chang Yong Xu Zheng (Zhejiang University Hangzhou 310027 China ) Abstract SVC is used in power system for the purpose of reactive power support and voltage control. Wide area measurement system (WAMS) has been widely used in modern power systems. This paper describes a systematic approach to design a SVC supplementary controller for improving the damping of power system oscillation (PSDC) based on wide area signals. Firstly the principle of SVC oscillation damping is described. Secondly the concept of synthetical residue index is given and is used to choose the proper input wide area signal. Then the test signal method and residue root locus are adopted to design controller parameters. The third part of the paper proves the effectiveness of the method by eigenvalue analysis and time domain simulation. Then in the last part of the paper the SVC supplementary control is applied to a real


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