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2007年第1期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第45期) 科目:航海英语 试卷代号:905 适用对象:沿海航区船舶二/三副 (本试卷卷面总分100分,及格分为70分,考试时间100分钟) 答题说明:请选择一个最合适的答案,并将该答案按答题卡要求,在相应位置上用2B铅笔涂黑。第1题至100题,每题1分 1. chart correction information is not disseminated through the__D_. 海图改正资料不是从下列的哪一项中发布() a. summary of corrections改正摘要 b. local notice to mariners地方性航海通告 c. daily memorandum 每日摘要 d. chart correction card海图改正卡 2.chart legends printed in capital letters show that the associated landmark is _A___. 海图图式用大写字母打印表示的相应的陆标是() a. conspicuous显著的 b. inconspicuous不显著的 c. a government facility or station政府设施或站点 d. a radio transmitter无线电发射器 3. lines on a chart which connect points of equal magnetic variation are called _D__. 海图上连接所有磁差相同的各点的线叫做() a. magnetic latitudes磁纬度 b. magnetic declinations磁赤纬 c. dip磁倾角 d. isogonic lines 等磁差线 4. in which source could you find the number of a chart for a certain geographic area? __B_ 要查找某一地区的海图图号,你可以从下列哪一种出版物中查找() a. chart no.1 一号海图 b. catalog of charts 海图目录 c. IMO practical navigator IMO实用航海学 d. IMO light list IMO灯标表 5. you are to _D____the convoy at 1745 hours. 你将于1745(加入)编队 a.get得到 b. take 取来 c.have 有 d. join加入 6. You have anchored in the wrong position obstructing other traffic. You must B . 你所抛锚的位置不对,妨碍了其他船舶的通行。你应() A. pick up your anchor捡起锚 B. heave up your anchor 绞起锚 C. drop your anchor 抛锚 D. drag your anchor走锚 7. Vessels remaining B a few hours should moor with anchors. 船舶停留时间(超过)几个小时,应抛锚。 A. much than B. more than C. many than D. lot than 8. areas enclosed by a long and short dashed magenta line indicate _C____. 由品红色的长、短虚线围起来的区域表示() a. cable areas (海底)电缆 b. dumping grounds (垃圾)倾倒区 c. fish trap areas渔栅区 d. precautionary areas 预警区 9. I can hardly understand _A__ you said. 我很难明白你所说的。 a. what b. which c. that d. who 10. thank you for your kind attention to this mater. C 谢谢你对此事的关注。 a. watch 观看 b. duty 责任 c. affair 事件 d. cargo 货物 11. BHP stands for the _C___ of the main engine. 主机的BHP表示()。 a. br


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