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第 20 卷 第 5 期 化  学  进  展 Vol . 20 No . 5 2008 年 5 月 PROGRESS IN CHEMISTRY  May , 2008 分子印迹液相色谱整体柱 李振莹  段宏泉  黄艳萍  刘照胜 (天津医科大学药学院 天津 300070) 摘  要  分子印迹是合成分子识别材料的新兴技术 ,整体柱是新型的色谱固定相技术 。将分子印迹聚 合物与整体柱技术相结合 ,可以有效提高液相色谱的分离效率 ,有助于推动整个分离科学的发展 ,意义重大 , 是当今分析化学的研究热点 。本文就分子印迹液相色谱整体柱的制备合成 、色谱分离条件以及物理化学特 性评价方法等方面的研究进展进行了较系统的综述 ,并对该技术 目前存在的问题和发展前景进行了探讨 。 关键词  分子印迹  整体柱  液相色谱  原位聚合 + ( ) 中图分类号 : O657 . 7 2  文献标识码 : A  文章编号 : 1005281X 2008 Monolithic Column of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for Liquid Chromatography L i Zheny ing  Duan Hongquan  Huang Yanp ing  L iu Zhaosheng (College of Pharmacy , Tianj in Medical University , Tianj in 300070 , China) Abstract  Molecular imprinting is a new approach to prepare predictable selectivity phase stationary and monolithic column is a novel technology for chromatographic stationary phase . The combination of monolith and molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) integrates the high efficiency of liquid chromatography and the high selectivity of MIPs , which will accelerate the develpoment of MIPs technique in the field of separation science . Therefore , the research in this field has attracted considerable interests and plays an important role in the area of analytical chemistry . In this review ,the progress of molecularly imprinted monolith is summarized in detail from the polymerization conditions to prepare MIPs monolith , the separation condi


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