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26 6 () V l1 26 N 1 6 2006 12 Pr b lem s f F restry E c n m ics Decem ber 2006 * 郗婷婷, 李顺龙 (东北林业大学 经济管理学院, 哈尔滨 150040) : 森林所具有的碳汇功能决定了林业生产在生态保护和生态建设工作中具有 殊重要的地 位本文在分析 / 后京都时代0 森林碳汇问题及黑龙江省森林碳汇 殊性的基础之上, 结合 黑龙江省林业发展现状及发展规划, 运用森林碳汇基本理论, 提出了森林蓄积量扩展法, 首次 对黑龙江省森林碳汇容量和碳汇潜力进行了计算分析计算结果表明: 黑龙江省现有森林碳汇 储量为 17138亿 t, 碳汇潜力巨大 : 后京都时代; 固碳量; 碳汇潜力 : F307124 : A : 1005-9709 ( 2006) 06-0519-05 Analy sis of Forestry C arbon M itigation Poten tial in H eilongjiang P rovin ce X IT ing-ting, L I Shun- l ng ( Ec n m ics and M anagem ent C llege f N rtheast F restry Univers ity, H arb in 150040 Ch ina) Abs tract: Because f the special functi n f f rests in abs rbing carb n d i x ide, the f restry w ill play a mi p rtant r le in ec l gy pr tecti n and ec l gy c nstructi n. H eil ngjiang pr vince is affluent in f restry. Based n analyzing the pr b lem s n f rest carb n sink and the particu larity f r H eil ngjiang pr vince in the he - Ky t tmi es, then c mb in ing the f restry situati ns and the devel pment plan f Heil ngjiang pr vince, using the essence the ry f f rests in carb n sink, f r the first tmi e, this pa- per estmi ates the capacity and the carb n m itigati n p tential in H eil ngjiang pr vince. The calculat- ing result ind icated that n w adays, the reserves n f rest carb n sink is ab ut 17138 @ 108TC. The f rest carb n sink p tential in H eil ngjiang pr vince is en rm us. K ey w ord s: he -Ky t tmi es; carb n capacity; carb n m itigati n p ten tial 2005 2 16 56 , / 0, , , , , [ 6 ] ,


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