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2009 3 Vol. 27 No. 2 March 2009 Ch inese J ourna l of Chrom atog rap hy 158~ 163 1, 2 2 2 2 1 2* 曹 冬 , 周春喜 , 张养军, 韩春光 , 邓玉林, 钱小红 (1. , 1000 81; 2. , 102206) : N, pH 30, (SCX), ,, N,, N ,, , : ;;; ;; : 65 8 : A : 100087 13(2009)020 15806 : Sulfonationmodificationassisted enrichment and identification ofhistidinecontaining peptides by strong cation exchange chromatography andmass spectrometry 1, 2 2 2 2 CA Dong , ZH U Chunxi, ZHANG Yangjun , HAN Chunguang, 1 2* DENG Yulin, QIAN Xiaohong (1. B eij in g In stitu te o f T echn o ogy, B eij in g 100081, Ch in a ; 2. Sta te K ey La bor a tor y o f Pr oteom ics, Beij in g P ro teom e R esea r ch C en ter , Beij in g In stitu te o f Ra dia tion M edicin e, Beij in g 102206, Ch in a ) Abstract: By the sulfonation at theNterm inalofpeptides, the charge state of histidinecontai ning peptides is different from that of other peptides in pH 30 solution. Based on this differ ence, a new methodwas developed to isolate and identify sulfonated histidinecontaining pep tides from tryptic digest ofproteins by strong cation exchange (SCX) chromatography andma trixassisted laser desorption/ ionization tandem tmi eofflightmass spectrometry (MALDIT F MS/MS). Using the standard proteins containing histidinesas themodel, themethodology was evaluated. The results show that sulfonated histidinecontaining peptides were efficiently enriched by


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