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10 4 大连海事大学学报(社会科学版) Vol. 10,No.4 2011 8 Journal of Dalian Maritime University (Social Sciences Edition) Aug. 2011 : 1671-7041(2011) 04-0086-05 孙光圻,胡青青 ( , 116026) :探讨对郑和下西洋起决定性作用的航海价值观通过 / 0 ,/ , 对历史文献的具体分析,指 郑和下西洋航海价值观的主要 , 0 ( 5#6) 内涵是维护封建明王朝的统治, 保障统治集团的利益; 基本 :/ , 特征是重政治效应, 轻经济利益, 重官方控制, 轻民间开放; , 历史本质是中国封建社会步入晚期, 其上层建筑要顽固地维 , , 护和巩固自己的经济基础, 从而确保封建专制主义统治的历 史产物认为正是落伍于世界发展潮流的封建主义航海价 0 ( : 值观, 导致郑和下西洋成为后继无人的千古绝唱, 导致具有 56) , 悠久辉煌古代历史的中国航海事业在近代陷于艰难困苦的 , 中衰泥淖 , 15 :郑和下西洋; 航海; 价值观 :K248. 105 :A X , Research on sailingvalues in , ZhengHe. s voyagetoWestern Ocean / 0/ 0 ? SUN Guangqi, HU ingqing , (History and Culture of Navigation Research Center, , Dalian Maritime Univ. , Dalian 116026, China) Abstract: This thesis is about the sailing values which had ever , ? decisive effect on Zheng He and his voyage to the Western , Ocean. Based on specific analysis on historical literature, this paper elaborated on three aspects about Zheng He. s voyage to ,, the Western Ocean. Firstly, its major purpose is to maintain the , ruling of thefeudal Ming dynasty and ensure the interests of the 600 , ruling group. Secondly, its basic characteristics are laying more ,, emphasis on political effect rather than economical benefits and , thinking highly of official control over rather than nongovern- mental opening. Thirdly, its historical nature is that in


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