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山/ 西/ 财/ 经/ 大/ 学/ 学/ 报 2005 10 Journal of Shan i Finance and Economics University Oct. ,2005 27 5 Vol.27 No.5 农业现代化进程中农村劳动力的有效转移 1 2 郑文兵, 笑林 ( 1. 中国人民大学 人口与发展研究中心, 北京 100872; 2. 国家人事部专业技术人员管理司, 北京 100013) [ ] 我国农村剩余劳动力日益增多, 同时, 经济结构调整和农业现代化发展使得农村劳动力的转移出现新的困难 我国现有的城市偏向政策极不利于农村劳动力的有效转移因此, 应该积极发展农村技能教育, 调整农村二元保障结构, 通 过农业内部消化就业和扩大对外劳务输出等措施, 促进农村剩余劳动力的转移, 同时, 加快小城镇建设,推进人口城市化 [] 农业现代化; 农业产业需求; 人口城镇化; 城市偏向政策 [] F32 [] A [ ] 1007- 9556(2005)05- 0020- 05 Labor Mobility in Agri- modernization 1 2 ZHENG Wen- bing , ZHONG iao- lin ( 1. Demography and Development Research Center of Remin University of China, Beijing, 100872; 2. Department of Professionals, Ministry of Personnel, Beijing 100013, China) Abstract: Thanks to the ever- increasing surplus rural labor force, the economic restructuring and agri- modernization, labor mobility in the rural areas ishaunted with renewed difficulties and complexities. The country. s urban- oriented policiesgo utterly against the movement of rural labors. What is needed in the countryside is a combined effort to develop vocational education, streamline the duality security framework, facilitate rural labor movement through agriculture modernization and service export, and step up the pace for urbanization. Key Words: modernization of agriculture; industrial demand of agriculture; demographic urbanization; urban- oriented policy , , , , / 0 , ,, [1] , ,, , ,


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