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313 2010 6 SPACECRAFT RECOVERY REMOTE SENSING 55 一种卫星多光谱图像亚像元波段配准 精度自动评价方法 王洪海 徐建艳 龙小祥 (, 100094) 多光谱图像波段配准精度是多光谱影像数据的 一项重要指标 章实现了一种基于相位 一 致特征的多光谱图像亚像元波段配准精度自动评价方法通过对CBERS- 02B 卫星CCD 多光谱图像波段 配准精度自动评价,表明该方法对于亮度和对比度具有不变性, 能均匀稳定提取多光谱数据不同波段影像 大量同名特征匹配点, 自动给出影像的不同区域的亚像元配准精度, 实现对整景影像数据的较为完整准确 评价根据评价结果进行了地面处理系统校正,使行列方向除局部区域外均达到配准精度 波段配准精度 自动评价 多光谱图像 相位一致 特征匹配 空间遥感 :TP751 : A : 1009- 8518(2010)03- 0055- 09 An Automated Evaluation Method of Subpixel Bandtoband Registration Accuracy for Satellite Multispectral Image Wang Honghai u Jianyan Long iaoxiang (China Centrefor Resources Satellite DataApplication, Beijing 100094, China) Abstract Bandtoband registration accuracy is an important parameter of multispectral image dataA high preci sion method based on the phase congruency featureswas presented in this paper for automated evaluating subpixelband toband registration accuracy of satellitemultispectral imageryThe subpixel bandtoband registration accuracy automat ic assessment results of CBERS02B CCD multispectral remote sensing imagery data showed that the proposed method was invariant to intensity and contrast variations, and significant features could be detected andmatched reliably between different band images, the rule of bandtoband misregistration and the results of bandtoband registration are automatic presented completelyThe further band calibration of subpixel ground data processing systems was performed based this results and a good registration accuracy in row and line direction had been achieved except some local areas Key words Bandtoband registration accuracy Automatic evaluation Multispectral imagery Phase congruence Featurematching Spaceremote sensing 1


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