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第二节 海事语篇的分类和结构模式 一、海事语篇的分类 海事语篇指在海事活动中使用的各种文件,包括: --- 海事业务信函(maritime correspondence) --- 法律文书(legal documents) --- 说明书(specification) --- 海上事故报告(sea accident report) --- 通知(notice) --- 协议或合同(agreement or contract) --- 单据与表格(bills and forms) 海事语篇具有实用性、多样性和行业性。 第三节 海事文体特征及翻译 一、海事英语的词汇特征 专业术语 --- insurance policy(保险单) 专有名词 --- B/L(提单) 套语 ---- Please be informed that …(兹告知贵方) 例: Average is of two kinds: General average and Particular Average. 海损有两种:一种是共同海损,另一种是单独海损。 二、海事英语的句法特征 交际英语的口语化、简单化 --- 简单句、并列句、省略句 法律语言的严密性、准确性 --- 长句、复合句、并列复合句、被动句、倒装句 通信英语的书面化、文言化 --- 名词取代形容词 in accordance with (according to) 被动语态取代主动语态 You are requested … 使用频率不高的单词和短语 enter into 从句取代分词或介词短语 the clause which is used 使用具有文言作用的词语 thereby, herein … 四、海事英语的语篇翻译 词汇准确无误 --- 航海日志、事故报告:时间(GMT, LT, ship time, Z, UTC)、地点 (经纬度、距离、方位)、名称 (人名、船名、货名、地理名称) 句法严密简洁 --- 航海日志、电报电传、 语篇结构规范 --- 海事声明、宣载书、准备就绪通知书、滞期通知 译文功能对等 --- 通知、合同、提单、修理单、航海日志 第五节 航海通告(Notices to Mariners) I INTRODUCTION Notices to mariners notifying (通报) changes in or additions to navigational data previously promulgated (发布) are issued daily and published in Weekly Editions by the competent (有法定资格的) authorities of the major maritime countries, which contain information for the correction of Charts, Sailing Directions, Light Lists and other hydrographic (与水道测量有关的) publications, which enables the mariner to keep his charts and books up-to-date for the latest report received. Notices are issued daily and published in Weekly Editions. Daily notices are numbered consecutively (连续地) starting at the beginning of each year. Weekly Editions are consecutively numbered beginning from the first week of each year, hence there being 52 issues in a year. Daily notices disseminate (散布) information of an urgent nature or of major importance. A complete Weekly Edition of notices contains all information, which has been available during the previous week, and includes any daily notices issued that week. In addition to Admiralty Noti


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