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嘉民西安电子商务产业园 地面施工专项方案 室外道路、仓库地坪 施工方案 陕西瑞森建设工程有限公司 2016年元月21日 室外道路施工方案及仓库地坪施工方案 1. Plant Roads and Warehouse Terrace 1 、厂区道路及仓库内地坪 1.1 Construction Conditions 1.1 施工条件 1. Construction conditions 施工条件 (1) Road construction drawing arrives on the site, which can be used as basis for construction after drawing triage. 道路施工设计图纸到达现场,并经过图纸会审,可作为施工根据。 (2) Relevant materials have been prepared. 相关材料已准备完善。 1.2 Construction Arrangement 1.2 施工布署 1.2.1 Functions of Major Managers in Plant Roads and Warehouse Terrance Areas 1.2.1 厂区道路、仓库地坪区域主要管理人员职能 1. Construction director, technicians and construction workers: be responsible for supervision, control and disclosure of all construction technologies, control on safety quality schedule and filling of construction materials including construction journal in their own working part; and be responsible for site safety and technical disclosure. 施工主管、技术员、施工员:负责本部位的全部施工技术监控以及工艺控制、交底,安全质量进度的控制,施工日记等施工资料的填写;负责现场安全、技术交底工作。 2. Quality inspectors: be responsible for quality inspection of each item in their own working part, connecting with main-contractor and supervisor, accepting works in their own working part operated by other relevant units, and various materials collecting and filing them to the data room. 质检员:负责该部位各分项的质量检查、联系总包及监理及其他相关单位对该部位的验收工作,还有各种资料的收集、交资料室归档等工作。 3. Safety supervisors: be responsible for safety works in the project, be responsible for safety supervising and organizing groups for safety learning under the safety director’s guidance, and be responsible for filling and arranging safety materials with attentions paid to process control, and finding and eliminating safety risks timely for preventions. 安全员:负责项目的安全工作,安全员在安全主任指导下负责本部位的安全监督及组织班组进行安全学习,负责安全资料的填写、整理,注重过程控制,及时发现并消除安全隐患,做到防患于未然。 4. Measuring group: conduct horizontal control and axis co


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