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摘 要 摘 要 孟子是继孔子之后战国时期儒家杰出的代表人物,孟子主张以“知言”和“存养浩 然之气”来培养道德意志和道德意识,“浩然之气”是人的道德意志和道德目的修养的 最高境界,古今中外的思想家们对孟子的浩然之气的研究也很多,目的是通过对孟子思 想的研究,找出人生修养的方法和途径,挖掘孟子浩然之气思想的理论价值。本文概述 了孟子“存养浩然之气”思想形成的过程及意义,从“浩然之气”的主要内容、修养方 法、思想的历史价值三大方面详细论述了孟子的“养浩然之气”思想,总结了孟子思想 的特点,将修养“浩然之气”运用到社会生活中去,不仅能够提升个人的道德水平,还 能建立社会主义和谐稳定的社会局面,尤其是孟子的民本思想,更是符合了科学发展观 的要求。不断深化孟子浩然之气思想的时代内涵的研究,不仅能解决人与人之间的矛盾, 还能使人增强对自身的认同和信心,提升人的综合素质,促进人的全面发展,提升整个 社会的正气,促进社会和谐发展。 关键词 孟子 浩然之气 道德修养 I Abstract Abstract Mencius, as the successor of Confucius, is the outstanding representative figure of the Confucian school. He advocates that the moral spirit and ideology should be nourished by the principle of Zhiyan and one’s righteousness. The quality of righteousness is the supreme pursuit of human beings’ cultivation of moral spirit and moral purpose. As for it, a high-profile number of philosophers both home and abroad in ancient and modern time, have done enormous researches on it. Their goal is to find out the approach to self-cultivation and dig out the theoretical value of Mencius’ righteousness. This paper generalizes the development and effect of Mencius’ righteousness theory and detailedly illustrates it in such aspects as its content, approach of cultivation, and its historical value, based on which the characteristics of the theory is concluded. Applying this theory to the social practice can not only improve one’s morality, but also build up the socialist harmonious and stable social circumstances. Moreover, Mencius’ people-based thought is the typical embodiment of the requirements


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