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优点: 最大可减少85%的转向力 节省燃油 没有污染的风险 Total rack force: Drive and servo total 9000 N. 所有黑色的元件可以更换 电机和控制单元也可以个别更换,但现在不考虑 Efficient cooling is achieved due to the closely connected control unit and servo. However, if the temperature at the end stages exceeds 100 °C, the factor continuously reduces! Indicator lamp K161 comes on from a factor of 60 %! Operating diagram can be adapted to the vehicle (depending on engine or weight). 核心是带有双齿的转向齿条。方向盘和转向齿条直接是机械连接,就是说如果电机有故障,机械部分依然可以工作。 如果 更换G85或ESP控制单元 J104, G85进行零点平衡,J104必需重新编码。 (See “Guided Trouble Shooting“) Steering torque sensor G269 records the twist and communicates the determined steering torque to control unit J500. The return torque is not sufficient during driving operation to turn the wheels back to the straight-ahead position. This situation is detected by the J500 via the G85. By evaluating steering torque, vehicle speed, engine speed, steering angle and the characteristic curve stored in the control unit, the control unit calculates the torque of the motor required for resetting. The maximum support, however, is limited to 25 Nm. Indicator lamp K161 switches at steering support 60 %! Soft switch-off: Reduced steering ratio does not switch off abruptly. Switch-off is effected in ramp form, so as not to confuse the driver. The characteristic curve can be activated in Technical Support using the VAS 5051 tester, Function 10 – Adapt“. This is required if a control unit is being replaced, for example. (For detailed information, see latest Repair Handbook and “Guided Trouble Shooting“) * EPS Electric Power Steering 双齿轮电动助力转向系统 See Notes 方向盘 - 带方向盘转角传感器G85的转向柱控制单元 - 转向柱 - 转向力矩传感器 G269 - 转向齿轮 - 电子机械助力转向电机V187 - 助力转向控制单元 J500 没有转向助力油,减少对环境的污染 “双齿轮”式电子机械助力转向系统,由两个能够向转向拉杆提供足够转向力的齿轮组成(转向齿轮和驱动齿轮)。 根据驾驶员转向意愿要求,调节电机工作,帮助转向。 系统通过“主动回正”功能帮助转向轮回到中心位置,使在各种驾驶情况下能获得良好的平衡感觉及精确的直线行驶稳定性。 由于有了直线行驶稳定功能,当车辆受到侧向风的作用和行驶在上下颠簸的路面时,驾驶员更容易控制车辆在直线上行驶。 电子机械动力转向系统的优点: 和液压助力转向系统比较,最大的优点是没有液压系统: 没有液力转向泵、油管、油罐、虑清器等 没有液体的流动 减少装配空间 降低噪音 没有复杂


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