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保养概念 Understanding 理解 Linde Maintenance 保养 保养涉及领域 All Working Machinery 所有运行的机器 Need 需要 Maintenance 保养 叉车也需要保养 Truck also NEEDS maintenance 叉车当然也需要保养 No Maintenance Means… 没有保养就 意味着: 1.More breakdowns 更多的故障 2.Poor Performance 劣质性能 3.Unreliability Poor Safety 不可靠不安全 No Maintenance Means… 没有保养就 意味着 1.Excessive Running Costs 额外的经营成本 2.Reduced Working Life 使用寿命缩短 3.Low Investment Value 投资费用贬值 Each Linde Truck has… 每辆林德叉车都具有: 1.Maintenance Levels 保养等级 2.Maintenance Intervals 保养间隔 3.Daily Pre-shift checks 日常和换班检查 Maintenance Levels 保养等级 Different maintenance levels are defined by hours 不同的保养等级由小时定义 500Hrs Maintenance 500小时保养 1000Hrs Maintenance 1000小时保养 Etc…等等 Maintenance Intervals 保养间隔 Maintenance Intervals are defined by the hours the truck is used 保养间隔由叉车使用小时数定义 “EVERY” 500 Hrs 每隔 500 小时 “EVERY” 1000Hrs 每隔 1000 小时 A Typical Example of a maintenance Matrix for a 351 一个关于351典型案例的保养矩阵图 内燃叉车的保养内容 Contents Of Inner combustion maintenance 日常检查 Daily checks 250小时保养 250-hour inspection and maintenance 500小时保养 500-hour inspection and maintenance 1000小时保养 1000-hour inspection and maintenance 2000小时保养 2000-hour inspection and maintenance 3000小时保养 3000-hour inspection and maintenance 日常检查 Daily checks 机油的位置 Engine oil level 液压油的位置 Hydraulic oil level 柴油的油量 Fuel level 冷却水的位置 Coolant level in the reservoir 轮胎的气压和螺母松紧 Tyre pressure and degree of tightness 仪表的显示是否正常 does the instrument work well 日常检查 Daily checks 清洁空气预滤器 Clean air preliminary filter 清洁空气过滤器(每周) Clear air filter 检查.清洁电池接头 Check and clean battery cable connectors 检查油管 Check the hoses 日常检查 Daily checks 清洁散热器和液压油散热器 Clean the radiator and hydraulic oil cooler


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