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毕业论文 闫蒙蒙.doc

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?彭 The Current Teaching of Chinese Oral Communication in Primary School the Present Situation and Cause Analysis -- Taking Huainan city as an example Student: Yan Mengmeng(Teacher: Peng Yanhong) (Huainan Normal University Department of Education and Science) Abstract: Oral communication teaching as one of the five major areas of language teaching, which plays a very important role in the development and specification language. Pay attention to oral communicative language teaching, can promote the development of students language, but also can improve their communication ability and strain capacity. Primary school stage is an important stage of students language development, so it should be attached great importance to the teaching of Chinese oral communication in primary school. Chinese oral communication teaching in primary school is important, but the actual teaching is not optimistic. Present situation of oral communication teaching this article will use the questionnaire survey on the primary school of Huainan city. This paper includes several parts: and put forward the corresponding countermeasure analysis, investigation and analysis, the definition of related concepts. Keywords: oral communication; investigation;causes;countermeasure 张淑娟认为:“口语交际是在特定情境中,人们运用口语(有声语言)和非口语(态势语言)进行传递信息、交流思想、表达感情的一种社会交往活动。” 我对一些学者关于口语交际概念的表述进行了总结概况。我认为,口语交际,是指人们为了达成一定的目的,在特定的情境中,通过运用口头语言为主,以肢体语言为辅,进行信息传递、感情交流、情感表达的一种活动。 (二)口语交际教学的涵义 不同的学者对于口语交际教学的涵义,有着不同的解释。唐桂英认为口语交际教学是:“指教师指导学生运用有声语言传递信息、交流思想、表达情感的一种综合性、创造性的活动。”毛晓瑜认为口语交际教学是:“指在学校教育中,通过语文课程实施的,以培养学生口语交际能力为目的,师生、生生之间共同进行的教与学的活动。” 我比较认同靳健的观点,口语交际教学是:“教师依据教学计划,在一系列具体的交际环境中,引导学生提高倾听、表达与交流的能力,形成文明的人际沟通习惯,发展社会交往智慧的过程。” (三)小学语文口语交际教学研究现状综述 笔者经过查阅文献发现当前对于小学语文口语交际教学研究的专著书籍并不太多,对于这方面进行研究的文章主要集中在硕士论文内。下面就笔者所查到的关于小学语文口语交际教学的文献作一下综述。 李莉莉在《小学语文口语交际教案选萃》中提出了许多口语交际教学的建议,这本书中也收录了人教版小学口语交际课的优秀案例。 丁炜从理论和实践两个方面研究了上海地区的小学口语交际教学的


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