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* Do you get USA grey imports? Then tell about knee bracket under dash and also steering wheel resistance? * These are the most important new protective safety functions in the all new S80. Naturally, the car is also equipped with a series of other systems … that we often regard as self-evident in a Volvo… such as a collapsible steering column, dual-stage airbags, and so on. Suggested discussion topics: How important are safety issues (protective safety) for those customers who are interested in the all new Volvo S80? How important is it to communicate safety in the marketing of this car? What new safety functions should we emphasise when describing the safety features of the all new S80? * 简约奢实的设计风格 优雅从容的驾驶乐趣 严谨领先的环保意识 清新自然的车内环境 Volvo产品核心特性 尽善尽美的产品品质 妥帖周到的安全防护 * 六大核心特性的顺序重新编排,因为从客户的角度出发,首先关注的是大的、直观的,然后才是内在的、具体的。 * * * 先说普通涡轮增压的缺点,一是低速不起动,二是高转速效果不好,三是涡轮迟滞。 沃尔沃S80L加长版的T6发动机装备的双涡轮增压器,正好在这三项上让人满意,它可以在1500转的超低转速启动,并且在高转速也有良好的响应,并且它的涡轮迟滞现象已经大大改善。 这款双增压的T6发动机完全可以媲美新宝马采用的双涡轮增压发动机系列和奥迪A6L顶级的3.0机械增压发动机。 * * * * * * * * The all new S80 is provided with 沃尔沃’s patented front-end body structure. The structure is divided into zones … each of which plays a specific role in the deformation sequence. The outer zones accommodate most of the deformation. And the closer the collision forces get to the car, the less the material is deformed. Four different grades of steel are used to provide each zone with the appropriate characteristics. Three different grades of steel are used in addition to ordinary body steel: High Strength Steel … Extra High Strength Steel … and Ultra High Strength Steel. The zonal system enables the properties of each material to be used to the full … for the best possible energy absorption. The purpose is to preserve the integrity of the passenger compartment in a predictable manner in collisions of various types. * * The best way of protecting people who drive and travel in cars is to prevent accidents. VOLVO has developed a whole new generation


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