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人力资源管理发展史 人事管理阶段 科学管理阶段(20世纪初,以泰勒为代表) 工业心理学阶段(德国心理学家,雨果?芒斯特伯格) 人际关系管理阶段(美国,梅奥) 二、人力资源管理阶段 “人力资源”这一概念早在1954年就由彼德·德鲁克在其著作《管理的实践》中提出。 20世纪80年代以来,人力资源管理理论不断发展, 也不断成熟。并在实践中得到进一步发展,为企业所广泛接受,并逐渐取代人事管理。 进入20世纪90年代,人力资源管理理论不断发展,也不断成熟。人力资源部门的角色如何向企业管理的战略合作伙伴关系转变。战略人力资源管理理论的提出和发展,标志着现代人力资源管理的新阶段。 这个阶段最大的意义在于人力资源管理功能的扩张和完善。 HRM Functions Planning,Recruitment,Selection Development Compensation and Benefits Safety and Health Employee and Labor Relations HRM planning,Recruitment,Selection HRP is the process of systematically reviewing human resource requirements to ensure that the required numbers of employees,with the required skills,are available when they are needed. Recruitment is the process of attracting such individuals in sufficient numbers and ecouraging them to apply for jobs with the organization. Selection is the process through which the organization chooses,from a group of applicants,those individuals best suited for open positions,and for the company. How to develop HR Compensation and Benefits One way of motivating employees Reward: Pay ——eg: salary Benefits——eg: paid vacations,sick leave,holidays and medical insurance Nonfinancial——eg:a pleasant working environment Safety and Health Safety: protect employees from injuries caused by work related accidents. Heath:employees freedom from illness and their generral physical and mental well being. Q: Why is safety and health important? Emplyee and Labor relations Labor relations is the relations between the employees and the employers during the process of working. structure: Subject: CEO,Employees,Unions organization,... Object:wotking time,environment,salary, ... Content:the rights and obligations Union purpose:bargain with the employers about salary,working time and environment, working conditions and so on. The develeping trend of HRM Strategic HRM 战略性人力资源 Restructuring 结构重组 Business outsourcing业务外包 Process re


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