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JIUJIANG UNIVERSITY 毕 业 论 文 题 目 探讨投资者在融资融券中的投资风险及其 防范措施 英文题目 Discussion on Investment Risk and Its Presentive Measures to Investors in Securities Margin Trading 院 系 商 学 院 专 业 金 融 学 姓 名 佟 安 琪 班级学号 A104103 学籍编号 11001040103 指导教师 曾 祥 师 二零一四年六月 摘 要 “融资融券”又称证券信用交易或保证金交易,是指投资者向具有融资融券业务资格的证券公司提供担保物,借入资金买入证券(融资交易)或借入证券并卖出(融券交易)的行为,包括券商对投资者的融资融券和金融机构对券商的融资融券。自2010年3月融资融券业务在我国开展以来,已有700余只股票进入了融资融券标的范围,相应的,投资者也出于不同的目的进入到了融资融券交易市场,在融资融券交易中,伴随而来的是收益和风险并存的局势。本文从投资者角度出发,结合股市融资融券的特点提出投资者在融资融券业务中面临的风险,并在分析股市融资融券的意义基础上为投资者在融资融券交易中面临的风险提出对应的规避措施,以期能够降低投资者融资融券交易的风险,提高收益。 【关键词】融资融券 投资 风险 措施 ABSTRACT Margin trading, also known as securities credit transaction or margin transaction, refers to the behavior of buying securities with borrowing funds and selling short with borrowing securities by providing collaterals to qualified security companies, including margin trading business of security companies for investors and financial institutions for security companies. There are more than 700 stocks in the margin trading scope since the beginning of margin trading business in March 2010 in China, and for different purposes investors have participated in the credit transaction market followed by the challenge of coexistence of profit and risk. In terms of the characteristics of margin trading, the paper presents the risks faced by the investors, and puts forward corresponding countermeasures on the basis of analyzing the significance of margin trading, aiming to reduce risk and improve return. 【Key words】ecurities Margin Trading ; Investment; Risk; Measures 目 录 1 引 言 1 2 股市融资融券的特点及意义 2 2.1 股市融资融券的特点 2 2.2 股市融资融券的意义 3 3 投资者在融资融券业务中面临的风险 5 3.1 强制平仓风险 5 3.2 投资者误判风险 6 3.3 杠杆交易风险 7 3.4 利率风险 9 3.5 监管不利带来的风险 9 4 应对股市融资融券投资风险策略分析 11 4.1 投资者时刻关注信用账户 11 4.2 培养正确的投资理念和投资方向 11 4.3 充分利用融资融券交易的杠杆效应 12 4.4 充分利用融资融券交易的T+0交易模式 14 4.5 建立多层次全方位的外部监管体系 15 结 论 16 参考文献 17 致 谢 19


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