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在线英语听力室 [鲁迅全集]Selected Work of Luxun [English Edition] Selected Stories of Lu Hsun By Lu Hsun [The True Story of Ah Q, and Other Stories (written 1918-1926)] Translated by Yang Hsien-yi and Gladys Yang Published by Foreign Languages Press, Peking, 1960, 1972 Printed in the Peoples Republic of China Contents 1. [Note from dust jacket] 2. Preface to Call to Arms [1922] 3. A Madmans Diary 4. Kung I-chi 5. Medicine 6. Tomorrow 7. An Incident 8. Storm in a Teacup 9. My Old Home 10. The True Story of Ah Q 11. Village Opera 12. The New Years Sacrifice 13. In the Wine Shop 14. A Happy Family 15. Soap 在线英语听力室 16. The Misanthrope 17. Regret for the Past 18. The Divorce 19. The Flight to the Moon 20. Forging the Swords LU HSUN (1881-1936), chief commander of Chinas modern cultural revolution, was not only a great thinker and political commentator but the founder of modern Chinese literature. As early as in the May 1918 issue of the magazine New Youth, Lu Hsun published one of his best stories, A Madmans Diary. This was his declaration of war against Chinas feudal society, and the first short story in the history of modern Chinese literature. Thereafter he followed up with a succession of stories such as The True Story of Ah Q and The New Years Sacrifice, which cut through and sharply attacked stark reality in the dark old society. These stories were later included in the three volumes Call to Arms, Wandering and Old Tales Retold, and have become treasures in the Chinese peoples literary heritage. In his early life Lu Hsun was a revolutionary democrat, who later matured into a communist. His earlier works were mainly stories, 18 of the more important of which, plus the preface to Call to Arms, h


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