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a rigid beam-to-column connection 梁柱刚性连接 accuracy of construction(fabrication) 安装精度 acid-pickle 酸洗 additional tests 附加检验 additional tests on steels 钢材附加检验 alignment 对准 allowable slenderness ratio 容许长细比 allowable stress range 容许应力幅 angle of stress dispersal 应力扩散角 automatic welding 自动焊 automatic or semi-automatic process 全自动或半自动方式 backing plate 衬板,垫板 battened members 缀板柱 battens,batten plate 缀板 beam-columns 压弯构件 bearing connection 承压连接 bearing stength 承压强度 bearing stiffener 支承加劲肋 bend test 弯曲试验 blast-clean 磨砂 bolt tightening 螺栓拧紧 bolted connections 螺栓连接 bolting 螺栓 branch member 支管 brittle fracture 脆断 butt welds 对头焊接 camber 起拱 carbon content 碳含量 carbon structural steels 碳素结构钢 cast steel 铸钢 Charpy V-notch impact test v形坡口冲击试验 chord member 弦杆 cladding 涂层 closed section 闭口截面 coefficient of equivalent bending moment of eccentrically loaded steel member(beam-column) 钢压弯构件等效弯矩系数 coefficient of linear expansion 线膨胀系数 cold-formed steel structural member 冷弯型钢构件 compact section 厚实截面 complete-joint-penetration (CJP) groove weld 完全坡口融透焊 component stability 单肢稳定 condition of bolts 螺栓状态 condition of steel 钢材状况 constant amplitude fatigue 常幅疲劳 couposite rubber and steel support 橡胶支座 crane girder 吊车梁 crane truss 吊车桁架 cross diagonals 交叉斜杆 cutting 切割 defect acceptance criteria 缺陷可接受准则 design value of strength of steel 钢材强度设计值 diagonal stiffeners 斜加劲肋 dimensions and tolerances 尺寸和允许误差 direct dynamic loading/ 直接动力荷载 distortion/deformation 变形 double-stepped column 双阶柱 doubly symmetric section 双轴对称截面 edge distance 边距 effective cross-section area of high-strength bolt· 高强度螺栓的有效截面积 effective length 计算长度,有效长度 effective length factor 计算长度系数 effective length for torsional bucking 扭转屈曲计算长度 effective thickness of fillet welds 角焊缝有效厚度 effective width 有效宽度 effective width factor 有效宽度系数 end bearing 端面承压 end moment 端弯矩 equal leg angles 等边角钢 equivalent slenderness ratio 换算长细比 erection 安装 erection drawin
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