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  建设银行着力打造的新一代核心系统建设,既注重后端支持系统的构建,也十分重视前端系统为员工与客户提供的直观体验。在建设银行的营业网点中,通过与采用Windows 8系统的业务叫号机配合,大堂经理通过手中的平板电脑可以对客户信息以及必威体育精装版业务情况了如指掌,从而为客户提供个性化服务。银行客户通过叫号机刷卡拿号后,客户的信息能实时传到大堂经理的平板电脑上,大堂经理能够实时了解业务办理进度与排队等候情况。针对排队的客户,大堂经理可以通过客户的排号与银行卡信息确认客户身份,主动识别客户信息,进而配合平板电脑上的资讯信息,证券走势、基金牌价等业务信息,可以为客户提供高针对性的个性服务。 混合云,数据共享 公有云的目标客户 现在 互联网、物联网、移动互联网的开发者、创业者和站长 对IT资源的需求量及负荷不可预知的组织 对IT资源的需求量是可预知的、临时的组织 对IT资源的需求量是可预知的、波动的组织 寻求提供SaaS服务的软件商 将来 互联网、物联网、移动互联网、任何IT应用的神经中枢 任何有IT资源需求的组织、家庭或个人 We’ll discuss 4 specific use cases and describe how you can bring Azure to your enterprise. In doing so, we’ll highlight key technologies and their benefits for you. Build 2012 这种资源池称为“云”。“云”是一些可以自我维护和管理的虚拟计算资源,通常为一些大型服务器集群,包括计算服务器、存储服务器、宽带资源等等。云计算将所有的计算资源集中起来,并由软件实现自动管理,无需人为参与。这使得应用提供者无需为繁琐的细节而烦恼,能够更加专注于自己的业务,有利于创新和降低成本。 /show.aspx?id=741cid=17 之所以称为“云”,是因为它在某些方面具有现实中云的特征:云一般都较大;云的规模可以动态伸缩,它的边界是模糊的;云在空中飘忽不定,你无法也无需确定它的具体位置,但它确实存在于某处。 Slide Objectives: Explain the differences and relationship between IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS in more detail. Speaking Points: Here’s another way to look at the cloud services taxonomy and how this taxonomy maps to the components in an IT infrastructure. Packaged Software With packaged software a customer would be responsible for managing the entire stack – ranging from the network connectivity to the applications. IaaS With Infrastructure as a Service, the lower levels of the stack are managed by a vendor. Some of these components can be provided by traditional hosters – in fact most of them have moved to having a virtualized offering. Very few actually provide an OS The customer is still responsible for managing the OS through the Applications. For the developer, an obvious benefit with IaaS is that it frees the developer from many concerns when provisioning physical or virtual machines. This was one of the earliest and primary use cases for Amazon Web Services Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2). Developers were able to readily provision virtual machines (AMIs) on EC2, develo


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