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T h e trea tm en t o f ch ro n ie a P la stie a n em ia w ith N o u rish in g Yi n G row in g B lo o d D eeo ctio n S P ecia lity :In ternalM ed iein e of Trad itionalC h in ese M ed iein e A u th or :Q in Z haoyang Tu to r :P ro f.Z h o u 、么n fen g A b str a Ct O bjeetive:To observe the self no而 shing yin and elera ing aw 盯 heat C h inese H erbs Tre atm en t o f K i血 ey 矶 n D efieien cy b lo o d d isord er an em ia h ea lth effcet s an d im p act o n k idn ey fun ction ,b lo o d n our ish i雌 y in d eeo etio n o f th e effi eacy m eeh an ism o f 一e A A . M eth o d s : 3 0 ea ses o f C h in ese M ed iein e o f th e ty P e for th e ap la stie an em ia P atients w ere random ly divided into tw o grouP s (Yin B lood TO nga C sA grouP ) and eonrt ol grouP (C sA grouP ),we re u sed for elin ieal effieac又 eom P lete b lood count B on e M arr ow an d C o m P ari so n o f th e effe ets on k idn ey fun etio n 、R esu lts : T h e resu lts sh ow ed that the treatm ent grouP w ith the eonirolgrouP ,signifieantdiffe renees in treatm eni effe ct (P 0.05), treatm eni grouP w a s sig n ifieant ly b etter than th e eo ntro l grouP ,in d ieatin g th at d efie ien ey o f kidn ey 巧 n an d C leari n g H eat Tr eatm en t o f A P lastic An em ia really fea sib le ; b y the tre atm ent gro uP eo m P ared w ith th e eo n tro l grouP ,treatm eni grouP o f sy m P tom s an d lab o rato ry te sts sh o rter th an the eontro l grou P ,eo n firm in g the effe ctiv e treatm ent o f K idn ey Y i n D efic ien ey can on ly furth er im P a ired :adv erse reaction an aly sis,b y tW O gro uP s o f P atients aft er treatm ent o f


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