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1.4 Electrical system The electrical system supplies electricity for the starter, ignition, lights and heater. The electricity level is maintained by a charging circuit. 电器系统为起动机、点火系、照明和加热设备 提供电流,电流的大小由充电电路来维持。 Charging 充电系统为汽车上所有的电器系统提供电能。充电系统主要组成部分有:蓄电池、交流发电机、稳压器(多集成在发电机中),充电指示灯和组成电路的电线。汽车起动时由蓄电池提供能量,一旦发动机开始工作,交流电机为电气设备供电,同时还对蓄电池进行充电,以补偿起动所消耗的电能。稳压器则防止过载。 Starting 起动系统包括电池、电缆、启动电机、飞轮齿圈和点火开工。起动需要两个动作,启动电机齿轮和飞轮齿圈啮合,从而带动发动机转动。起动电机安装在发动机壳体上,靠电池工作。 Ignition 点火系统包括电池、低压电缆、点火线圈、分电器、高压电缆、火花塞连线和火花塞。点火系统在火花塞处产生高压火花,点燃发动机燃烧室内的燃油混合物。点火系统必须在恰当的时刻提供火花,并且能量满足各种工况的要求。电池和交流发电机为点火系统供电,点火线圈提高电压。点火系统由两级电路组成,初级电路(低压电路)初始化火花,次级电路(高压电路)产生高压电,并分到各个火花塞。 汽车专业英语 Specialty English for Automobile 刘永刚 E-mail: andyliuyg@cqu.edu.cn Tel:Body Braking Engine Suspension Steering Powertrain Electrical system Chassis Chapter 1 Automotive Basics What’s the main parts of an automobile? Today’s average car contains more than 15,000 separate, individual parts that must work together. These parts can be grouped into four major categories: body, engine, chassis and electrical system。 现在的车辆一般都由15000多个分散、独立且相互配合的零部件组成。这些零部件主要分为四类:车身、发动机、底盘和电气系统。 Chassis:the base frame of a motor vehicle, carriage, or other wheeled conveyance Engine:a machine with moving parts that converts power into motion 1.1 Body An automobile body is a sheet metal shell with windows, doors, a hood and a trunk deck built into it. It provides a protective covering for the engine, passengers and cargo. 汽车车身是一个包含窗子、车门、一个发动机罩、一个行李箱盖的金属薄壳。汽车车身为发动机、乘员和货物提供了保护。 Hood:发动机罩 bonnet 软帽 Trunk deck:行李箱盖 Trunk / boot:行李箱 靴子 Baggage:行李 luggage Cargo:货物 goods The body is designed to keep passengers safe and comfortable. The body styling provides an attractive, colorful, moderns appearance for the vehicle. 汽车车身的设计还应该保证乘员的安全舒适。车身的造型(款式)使得汽车看起来漂亮迷人、色彩斑斓、时尚前卫。 Three points seatbelt in a car Five points harness in a racing car 铠甲 甲胄 Airbag A sedan has an enclosed body with a maximum of 4 doors to allow access to the passe