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渐开线内啮合齿轮泵的设计 摘要 齿轮泵由于结构紧凑、体积小、重量轻、转速范围大、自吸性能好和对油液的污染部敏感等优点而广泛应用在机床工业、航天工业、造船工业及工程机械等各种机械的液压系统中。 流量脉动、噪声和效率是评价齿轮泵性能的三大指标,它们之间互相联系,互相作用。齿轮泵的流量脉动引起压力脉动,而压力脉动是引起齿轮泵流体噪声的主要因素,在降低噪声和流体脉动的同时,应防止齿轮泵溶积效率的降低。因此,在齿轮泵的设计中,应综合考虑这三者的影响。 本论文以渐开线内啮合齿轮泵为研究对象,从其工作原理出发以及内啮合齿轮泵的齿轮几何参数上对其进行较为详细的分析和计算。从内啮合齿轮泵的设计要点出发,计算出内啮合齿轮泵齿轮副的几何参数,推导出其轮齿啮合时不发生渐开线干涉、齿廓重迭干涉和径向干涉的条件,并代入各参数进行验证,最终确定其几何参数。在此基础上,对渐开线内啮合齿轮泵的总体结构进行研究设计,并选取合适的零部件材料。 参考何存兴老师的《液压元件》教材进行内啮合齿轮泵排量的计算公式的推导。 关键词:内啮合齿轮泵 几何参数 干涉 排量 The design of involute internal pump Abstract Gear pumps are widely used in hydraulic systems of machine tool, aviation, shipbuilding and engineering machinesetc, because of their virtues, such as simple and compact structure,lighter weight, wide range of rotate speed, better capability of self-suck and not having a thick skin with the oil’s polluting. Flow pulsation, noise and efficiency, which effect on each other, are three primary criterions that evaluate the performance of gear pumps. The hydro-noise is primary causedby pressure pulsation, and pressure pulsation is caused by flow pulsation.. The cubage efficiency should be prevented to reduced when noise and flow pulsation are reduced. So, their effect should be considered when gear pumps are designed. The research object of this dissertation are involute internal gear pumps . On the basis of their working principle , analyses and calculates the geometry parameters of the internal gear pumps. From the designing mainpoint of the geometry parameters of the internal gear pumps, a new desire is called for. Which worked out in the gear pump gears meshing of the geometric parameters, derived its tooth meshing not to interfere in involute line, tooth overlap intervention and interference in the radial conditions, And into the various parameters to verify, ultimately determine their geometric parameters. On this basis, to gradually open lines mesh gear pump to study the overall structure design, and select the appropriate parts materials. Consulting with


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