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数字测图在工程测量中的应用探讨 摘要 数字测图是在测量工作中利用电子计算机技术将野外数据采集系统与内业机助制图系统相结合,其目标是实现信息采集处理的数字化、自动化、信息化。数字测图可以缩短作业时间,减轻劳动强度,提高成果精度。数字测图系统主要由数据输入、数据处理和数据输出3部分组成,数字测图作业模式中测记式数字测图应用最为广泛。大比例尺数字测图正以其测图精度高,成图速度快等优势逐步的取代传统的,以平板仪为主的模拟测图。与传统的模拟测图相比,数字测图的质量控制关键点更多、内容与方法更为复杂。GPS 新技术的出现,可以高精度并快速地测定各级控制点的坐标,在地形测量中已得到广泛地应用。本文介绍了GPS(RTK) 配合全站仪的作业流程, 简要阐明了其在地形测量中的应用。在利用实测数据成图的过程中, 解决一些常见的问题, 并给出解决的办法及依据, 同时给出一些有益的结论, 以适应实际使用的需要。RTK技术;电子测速;数字化测图; CASS5.1 ;地形测量;全球定位系统 ABSTRACT The digitized mapping technique is to combine the field data collection system with the computer assisted mapping system in surveys by computer technology.It aims to realize the information collected and processed digitally and automaticaity.The digitized mapping technique can cut short the working time,lighten the labor intensity and enhance the precision of the productions.The system consists of three parts,such as data input,data processing and data output.the survey-record digitized mapping technique is widely used in the digitized mapping working pattern.For its superiority over traditional plane-table mapping in accuracy and efficiency,the large scale digital mapping is becoming more and more popular.Compared with traditional analogue mapping,digital mapping has more quality control pivotai points,and its contents and methods are more complex.With the appearance of new technology GPS ,the coordinate of different levels controlling points may be surveyed in high precision and it has been applied widely in topographic survey.The operation process of GPS(RTK) electronic tachometer is introduced and its application in topographic survey is briefly illustrated. Solutions to some problems usually occur in the mapping process using actually measured data and some helpful conclusions are given for practical use. Key word: RTK; electronic tachometer ; digital mapping ; CASS5.1;topographic survey;GPS 目 录 第1章 绪? 论 5 1.1 前言 5 第2章 仪器及软件 7 2.1 GPS(RTK)简介、系统组成及其基本原理 7 2.1.1 GPS(RTK) 简介 7 2.1.2 GPS(RTK) 系统的组成 7 2.1.3 GPS(RTK) 的基本原


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