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毕业设计(论文) 题 目 网上商城购物系统 姓 名 学 号 所在学院 计算机学院 专业班级 指导教师 刘兴 日 期 2011年 5月10日 摘要 本系统研究了一种基于B/S结构的网上购物系统。其开发主要包括后台数据库的建立和维护以及前台页面的Web设计,对于前者要求建立起数据一致性和完整性、安全性的库;而对于后者则要求分类明确、使用户一目了然。 基于商务网站的建设和web技术的发展,采用J2EE平台开发网上购物平台。在设计方面,本系统采用B/S三层结构,同时使用JSP技术进行动态页面的设计,从系统的安全性和代码的可重用性方面考虑,运用JavaBean对程序的关键代码进行封装。 该平台采用Apache的tomcat6.0.32作为Web服务器,后端连接MySQL数据库;并且达到了功能明确、费用低廉、通用性强、适合我国国情的购物网站系统。文中着重论述了该系统的设计与实现,并对关键的技术做了较详细的介绍。 本系统主要有四大模块:用户管理,商品管理,购物车,订单管理。在用户管理的用户注册模块中,特别加强了用户注册信息验证的严格性;并且规定只有注册成会员才能下订单,没有注册成会员的用户只能浏览商品。 整个系统结构清晰,功能明确,页面风格鲜明,易操作,适合客户的需求;使交易能够更加方便和快捷。 关键词:B/S结构,JavaBean,JSP,购物系统 Abstract The system which is based on B / S structure of the online shopping system. Which mainly includes the establishment and maintenance of back-end database and front page of the Web design request for the establishment of data consistency and integrity, security library; and clear classification of the latter requires that the user at a glance. Based business website building and web technology, online shopping platform using J2EE platform. In the design, the system uses the B / S three-tier structure, JSP technology, dynamic page design, from system security and code reuse considerations, the key to the program using JavaBean code package. The platform uses the Apache Web server, as tomcat6.0.32, MySQL database back-end connectivity; and achieved features a clear, low cost, versatility, suitable for China shopping website system. The paper focuses on the design and implementation of the system, and the key technology to do a more detailed introduction. The system has four modules: user management, commodity management, shopping cart, order management. Users registered in the user management module, in particular, the user registration information to enhance the rigor of validation; and provides that only registered members can become an order, not registered


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