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摘 要 为了寻求新的市场环境下都市类报纸广告的生存之道,本文通过分析报纸广告现如今所面临的竞争态势和机会,结合案例总结了都市类报纸广告的创意特点和原则,分析报纸广告在制作和发行方面的转变,并研究这些转变所引发的效果。另外,本文还探讨了都市类报纸广告在创意过程中所应该注意到的几点因素,希望能给都市类报纸广告在未来的发展过程中带来一些启发,使其能够重新审视自身,扬长避短,寻求新的发展空间。通过分析我们可以发现,现代市场环境下的都市类报纸广告虽然在一定程度上受到了新型媒体的冲击,但不可否认的是它依然处于成长期,而且开始成长为一位智者,在这个急速发展的社会中以自己的独特方式诠释着新的创意理念,而且,在未来,都市类报纸广告在其前进的道路上依然有更多的惊喜等着我们去发掘和创造,而进行多方面的创意是都市类报纸广告乃至都市类报纸媒体继续前进的持续动力。 关键词:都市类报纸;广告;创意 ABSTRACT Under the new market environment, in order to seek new survival of City Newspaper advertising, this paper analyzes the competitive situation and opportunities the newspaper advertising are faced with today, sums up the characteristics and principles of the metropolitan newspaper advertising with case, analyzes the newspaper advertisings’ transition in the production and distribution and studies the effects caused by these changes. At the same time this paper also investigated the important factors that the city newspapers advertising should be noted in the creative process,hoping that the city newspaper can re-examine the strengths and weaknesses of newspaper advertising in order to avoid weakness and find new space for development. By analyzing we could find the metropolitan newspaper advertising under the modern market environment suffers the impact of the new media to a certain extent,but it is undeniable that it is still in growth stage and grows into a wise man. In this rapidly developing society the metropolitan newspaper advertising explains the new creative ideas in their own unique way,and there is still a lot of surprises waiting for us to explore and create on its road ahead. We can say that a wide range of creation is a continued momentum for the metropolitan newspaper advertising as well as the city newspaper media to move ahead. Key words: City Newspaper;advertisement;creative 目 录 摘要………………………………………………..…….….…………….…………………I ABSTRACT……………………………...………………………………………………II 前言…….………………...……………………………………………….….……………..1 一、报纸广告以及都市类报纸广告的发展及现状……...............………….….……


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