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初中英语 主讲教师 张克岩 祝大家学习愉快! A. What’s the matter with you ? B. How long have you been like this ? E. Do you sleep well at night ? D. No, I don’t often have breakfast . G. There’s nothing serious B C D A C B C A B A D A C B A C D B C B In the sea or in public swimming pools. Learning to float and swimming with the help of your friends or an instructor. Because you don’t know how deep it might be. A life—guard. Lots of fun. Three. It is “Tube”. I can stick out my arm like I do in any city. It’s “Big Apple”. Because the others are slow and not convenient. Because it has clean air, unique culture and pleasant people. Lhasa. 吉祥如意. Roast mutton and beef, buttered tea, and barley liquor. Yes, it is. It isn’t like anywhere else on earth. center 夏天,阳光每天照耀2424小时,但是在冬季,那里则一片黑暗达3个月。 The biggest “ hole” is over Antarctica, and weather there is getting warmer. 科学家们认为这个寒冷而孤独的地方 能教会我们许多关于地球及如何使它保持安全的知识。 sound like in fact 但是是否所有这些发展都提高了我们的生活质量了哪? Someone calls you The more things you have, the more difficult life becomes. Deny Yu something like pills robots Sun Wei pollution and wars 作文参考答案:


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