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河南建筑职业技术学院 毕 业 设 计 论 文 论文题目 毕业设计选题系统的设计与实现 专 业: 信息工程系 班 级: 学生姓名: 学 号: 指导教师: 完成日期: 毕业设计选题管理系统摘要 摘要 随着网络技术和办公自动化的高速发展,信息技术已经深入到了社会的每一个角落而手工管理操作也逐渐被自动网络化管理取代,学校又是接受现代化信息的先行者和传播者。因此,学校的课题管理是教学网络管理的一项重要内容。 设计本系统的目的是为了方便老师申报毕业设计课题和学生毕业设计选题,满足学生在网上填报志愿和查询志愿以及老师在查看课题和申报课题的要求。学生填报志愿时可以看到课题选择情况以及课题的限制人数和已选人数,避免因为课题人数已满而不能选择自己喜欢的课题,设计该系统的目的也是为了减少了教师的工作量、提高了管理员的工作效率。 “毕业设计选题管理系统”使用当前流行的ASP网络编程技术,通过网上申报课题,网上选题,网上管理,简化以前烦琐的纸张提交和手动操作,使得学生、教师、管理员的工作变得轻松、快捷,也使得对数据库的维护变得更加容易。 在管理员这一方面,不仅要对学生志愿、教师课题、用户信息进行管理,更重要的是要对学生选择的志愿进行排列,生成终表。 关键字 管理/查询/添加/删除/修改 System for Selecting And Managing Graduation design Topic OnLine ABSTRACT Along with the high-speeding development of net technology and OA, information technology have deeply intruded upon people’s life and everywhere in our society , managing by hand have replaced by roboticized net management , however , school is the forthgoer and disseminator in receiving modern information ,so , the topic management have been a important content in teaching management . The purpose to design the management system is for teachers’ applying topic and students’ selecting topic convenience . satisfying the needs that students can select and inquire about their topics online and also teachers can approve topic online. Students can inspect the topic and its situation online which he or she likes, In this way students can avoid the situation that because of the lesson a number is already full but can’t select as the he or she like. At the same time,the Purpose of designing of this system is to reduce managers’workload, to improve manager’s work efficiency. This system’s development adopt current ASP exploitation technology, through applying topic online, selecting topic online, managing on line ,to predigest handwork., let the students, teachers and managers’ works easy and shortcut, also make the work maintain database eas


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