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Evo-Devo of Butterfly Wing Patterns 1.蝴蝶翅膀的颜色模式无论在种间还是在种内都有着非常壮观的差异。 2.蝴蝶翅膀模式是一个完整研究塑造形态的演化和发育过程相互关系的理想系统。 3.蝴蝶翅膀模式在发育过程中的可塑性。 4. 蝴蝶翅平面模式图。 5. Wing-pattern 突变体及eyespot的形成 * * 2002.11.29 高锋 演化发育生物学家们关注的一个焦点是:蝴蝶翅膀的颜色模式多样性是怎样通过自然选择形成的以及特定模式的形成过程。演化发育生物学中一个正在蓬勃发展的领域,试图探索在发育过程与自然选择的分选作用下的遗传变异与表型之间的一种联系。蝴蝶翅膀模式成为了一种为数不多的在生物组织不同水平来研究形态学差异的成功例子。 Figure 1 | Examples of model butterfly species. Evo–devo studies of butterfly wing patterns have concentrated on a few model species, which provide different opportunities for research. a | Heliconius melpomeme and b | Papilio dardanus butterflies are classical examples of species involved in polymorphic anti-predator mimicry systems. c | Pontia occidentalis has been used to study phenotypic plasticity, which, in this species, has a known ecological relevance. d | Precis coenia has been the classical model for the developmental dissection of wing-pattern formation. e | Papilio butterflies, including P. glaucus, have a characteristic pigment system and have been a favourite model for characterizing the pigment biosynthesis pathways. f | Bicyclus anynana has been successfully established in the laboratory and, during the past 12 years, has become the butterfly ‘lab-rat’, as it is amenable to controlled population and organism-level approaches to the study of wing-pattern variation and development. H. melpomene courtesy of Jim Mallet, University College London, UK; P. dardanus courtesy of Fred Nijhout, Duke University, North Carolina, USA; P. occidentalis courtesy of Joel Kingsolver, University of North Carolina, USA; P. coenia courtesy of Scott Weatherbee and Sean Carroll, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA; P. glaucus courtesy of Richard ffrench-Constant, University of Bath, UK. 1.Comparative method 2.Experimental crosses 3.Artificial selection 4.Surgical manipulations of pupal wings 5.Biochemistry 6.Physiology 7.Gene-expression patterns 8.Gene mapping 9.Genetic manipulation Various methods have been use


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