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Jacobson, M. Z., 2005: Fundamentals of atmospheric modeling. 2nd ed. Cambridge University Press, CH.18.8.9 Fig.18.13 * Pruppacher, H., and J. Klett, 2004: Microphysics of Clouds and Precipitation. Vol. 18, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 954 pp. Fig. 8.4 Prospero, J. M., and Coauthors, 1983: The atmospheric aerosol system: An overview. Rev. Geophys., 21, 1607-1629. * Textor, C., et al., 2006: Analysis and quantification of the diversities of aerosol life cycles within AeroCom. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 6, 1777-1813, Fig.4a. Levin, Z., and W. R. Cotton, 2008: Aerosol pollution impact on precipitation : a scientific review. 1st ed. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Fig.4.27. * * * 滞留时间 滞留时间 Tropospheric residence times in models for different aerosol components (Textor et al. 2006) 习题 推导气体和气溶胶粒子的干沉降速度: 习题 The concentration of aerosol particles A is 100 μg·m-3 below a raining cloud. Assuming a constant scavenging coefficient of 3.3 h-1, calculate the concentration of A in the atmosphere after 30 min of rain, and the overall wet deposition flux. Assume a cloud base at 2 km and the atmosphere below the cloud is homogeneous before and during the precipitation event. (参考答案:19 μg·m-3; 162 mg·m-2) 习题* Terrain significantly affects particle dry-deposition speed. Write a computer script to calculate dry-deposition speeds of spherical particles 0.01 μm in diameter when z0,m = 0.0001 m (ocean) and when z0,m = 5 m (urban area). At z0,m = 0.0001 m, assume u? = 0.48 m·s?1 and L = +180 m. At z0,m = 5 m, assume u? = 0.8 m·s?1 and L = +3000 m. Also, assume pd = 1000 hPa and T = 292 K at zr = 10 m, and ρv = 1 g·cm?3. * * * Warneck, P., 2000: Chemistry of the natural atmosphere. 2nd ed. Academic, xvii, 927 p. pp. * Warneck, P., 2000: Chemistry of the natural atmosphere. 2nd ed. Academic, xvii, 927 p. pp. * Warneck, P., 2000: Chemistry of the natural atmosphere. 2nd ed. Academic, xvii, 927 p. pp. * Warneck, P., 2000: Chemistry of the natural atmosphere. 2nd ed. Academic, xvii, 927


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