新人教版,英语必修三, unit 1 grammar.ppt

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新人教版,英语必修三, unit 1 grammar.ppt

Unit 1 Festivals around the world Learning about language 情态动词主要表达说话人的看法、态度 等。从用法上来说,有这样几个特点: 一是情态动词自身都有一定的意义, 但不能表示正在发生或已经发生的 事情,只表示期待或估计某事发生。 二是情态动词除ought和have外,后 面必须接不带to的不定式。 三是情态动词没有人称和数的变化, 也没有非谓语形式。 1) 表示请求、建议等, would比will委婉 客气。  Would you pass me the book? 2) 表示意志、愿望和决心。如:  I will never do that again.  They asked if we would do that again. 5. shall, should 1) 在一、三人称的疑问句中, shall用来 询问对方的意愿。如: Shall we begin our lesson? When shall he be able to leave the hospital? 2) 用于二、三人称的陈述句中, 表说话人 命令、警告、允诺等口吻。如: He shall have the book when I finish reading. You shall do as I say. 3) should表示劝告、建议、命令, 其同义 词是 ought to; 在疑问句中, 通常用 should 代替 ought to。如: You should go to class right away. 4) should/ought to have done 过去应该 做的事情而没有做, 表责备。如: — You should have written with a pen, not a pencil. — Yes, I know I ought to have, but I had no pen to write with. 5) should / ought not to have done 过去不应该做的事情却做了, 表责备、 悔恨情感。如: I was really anxious about you. You shouldn’t have left home without a word. I’m not feeling well in the stomach, I shouldn’t have eaten so much fried chicken just now. 6) needn’t have done 过去本不必做的 事情实际上却做了。如: You needn’t have told him that. 4. Some people who don’t like to talk much are not necessarily shy; they ___ just be quiet people. (2009安徽卷) A. must B. may C. should D. would 5. One of the few things you ____ say about English people with certainty is that they talk a lot about the weather. (2009北京卷) A. need B. must C. should D. can 6. He did not regret saying what he did but felt that he _____ it differently. (2009江苏卷) A. could express B. would express C. could have expressed D. must have expressed 11. It ____ have been Tom that parked the car here, as he is the only one with a car. (2009上海卷) A. may B.


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