新视野大学英语4 unit 3.ppt

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新视野大学英语4 unit 3.ppt

8. doubtful adj. having doubts about sth. Be doubtful about doing sth. Be doubtful if/ whether/ that…… 对于接受这笔钱, 他感到很怀疑. He is doubtful about accepting the money. Words and Expressions—Word Using 9. rouse v. (+ from/ out of /to) to make sb. very angry, excited, interested; to make sb. wake up; She was sleeping so soundly that I couldn’t rouse her. 演讲者试图唤醒听众们行动起来。 Words and Expressions—Word Using e.g. 演讲者试图将听众从冷漠中唤醒。 10. collision n. Collide v. 冲突,碰撞 1. the collision of (two countries) 2. be in a collision with 他的车撞上了一辆摩托车。 His car was in a collision with a motorbike. Words and Expressions—Word Using 词组 ① a strong disagreement or conflict; ② an accident 11. spark vt. to make sb. very angry, excited, interested; to make sb. wake up; 原意为冒出火花,因此有了a spark of (一点) 比如:我对学习英语一点兴趣都没有。 I don’t have a spark of interest in learning English. 词组:spark interest in (激起对……的兴趣) Words and Expressions—Word Using 12. trip it up to cause sb. to fall or nearly fall over; force someone to make a mistake by tricking them 李伸出脚把约翰绊倒了。 Lee stuck out his foot and tripped John up. Words and Expressions—Word Using Translation Key Usually she was careful, but once she tripped up by a plot. 她一向谨慎,但有一次还是中了圈套。 13. come down in the world to have less money and a worse social position than one had before 她感到她的确已经穷困潦倒了。 反义:go/come up in the world She felt she had really come down in the world. Words and Expressions—Word Using Translation Key 14. find one’s way to arrive or get somewhere after some time Rivers find their way into the sea. 据说多媒体将很快进入家用市场。 条条江河通大海。 It’s said that multimedia will soon find its way into the home market.   Words and Expressions—Word Using Translation Key 15. all that very; particularly 事情并不那么顺利。 He wasn’t all that older than we were. Things aren’t all that good. 他并不比我们年纪大多少。 Words and Expressions—Word Using Translation Key 12. find … in sb. to discover that sb. has ce


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