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Lord George Gordon Byron (1788—1824) * 1 She walks in beauty, like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all that’s best of dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes: Thus mellowed to that tender light Which heaven to gaudy day denies 她走在美的光影里,如夜空一般, 皎洁无云,星光灿烂, 白昼黑夜的色泽精粹, 在她的玉容秋波里交汇, 凝聚成一片柔雅情调, 浓艳的白昼也无法从上苍得到。 She walks in beauty * The Isles of Greece Don Juan, Canto 3 Must we but weep o‘er days more blest? Must we but blush?---Our fathers bled. Earth! Render back from out thy breast A remnant of our Spartan dead! Of the three hundred grant but three, To make a new Thermopylae! Thermopylae /θ?m?p?li:/ n. 塞莫皮莱(希腊东部一多岩石平原) 我们难道只好对时光悲哭和惭愧? ——我们的祖先却流血 大地呵!把斯巴达人的遗骨从你的怀抱里送回来一些! 哪怕给我们三百勇士的三个, 让德魔比利的决死战复活! * Byron (1788—1824) * Biographical information Given name: George Gordon Lord Family name: Byron Title: Lord Birth date: 22 January 1788 Death date: 19 April 1824 Family relations ? ? father: John Byron mother: Catherine Byron ? ? wife: Anne Isabella Byron (from 2 January 1815) ? ? sister: Augusta Leigh ? ? daughter: Allegra Byron /Augusta Ada Byron * Biographical information Education ? ? ? ? ? Education ? ? ? ? ? Bodsy Bowers school at Aberdeen ? ? ? ? ? Aberdeen Grammar School: 1794 to 1798 ? ? ? ? ? Dr. Glennies school at Dulwich: 1799 ? ? ? ? ? Harrow, student of Rev. Joseph Drury: 1801 ? ? Trinity College, Cambridge (M.A.): 1805 to 4 July 1808 Literary period: Romantic Illnesses: Lameness ? ? ? ? ? Epilepsy(癫痫): 1824 Cause of death: fever() Buried at: Hucknall Torkard, England * Byron as a man (contradictory) Byron as a poet first at Harrow then Cambridge reckless noble heroic generous Arrogent selfish Single-minded dissolute(放荡的) characteristics Emotional Life Two tours 、 A tour of Continent (1809—1811) (Portugal, Spain, Albania, Greece) Leave England(1815--) (Meet Shelley) * aristocratic but impoverished father’s desertion mother’s abuse, clubfoot



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