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基于设计方案BIM二次优化的施工方投标策略研究 Research on Contractor’s Bidding Strategies based on the BIM Secondary Design Optimization 摘要 近几年宏观经济发展趋势减缓,加之受政府的调控政策影响,各地新开发的工程项目纷纷减少,对于施工企业来说原本就竞争激烈的建筑市场如今更是僧多粥少,串标和不平衡报价等一些施工企业的惯用伎俩已经得到业主们的重视,再想利用这些手段以期中标已越来越困难。尽管有些承包商一再压低报价,中标的概率依然不断下滑,即便能侥幸中标,所获利润也大幅降低,很难满足企业发展的需求。如何才能在有利可图的前提下提升施工单位的中标率,已经成为了当前施工企业的核心目标。 当前承包商参与投标的过程说到底就是施工单位凭自身实力,同时采取相应的投标战略和策略进行投标报价,在参与投标的企业实力都相近,而传统的投标报价策略已被各施工企业熟练运用的情况下,要想从众多竞争对手中脱颖而出,就要另辟奇径,寻找新的策略以体现自身优势,设计方案的二次优化,就是提升技术标质量从而提高中标率的重要途径。 本文结合业主对设计优化的不重视,以及当前设计院的缺陷的现状,主要研究了施工方在投标时,通过对业主提供方案的仔细研究和考量,发现其中不足,并结合正迅速崛起的BIM技术,通过Autodesk Navisworks等软件进行虚拟施工,碰撞检查和进度管理,对原方案进行二次优化,通过模型提前预知施工难点,提出切实可行的施工方案。这样既能为业主节约成本,减少在项目施工过程中出现错误损失和返工的可能性,又可以缩短项目的工期,把这样的新方案写入技术标,一定能很大程度上提高中标率。 关键词:设计方案二次优化 投标策略 技术标 BIM技术 设计施工一体化 Research on Contractor’s Bidding Strategies based on the BIM Secondary Design Optimization ABSTRACT Slow in recent years, the macro economic development trend, coupled by the government regulation and control policy, around the new development projects have been reduced, for construction enterprises originally competition intense construction market now demand exceeds supply, string and unbalanced quotes some construction enterprises modus operandi has received the attention of the owners, think of the these means in order to win the bid has become increasingly difficult. Although some of the contractors repeatedly lower bid, the probability of winning the bid still continue to decline, even if it can get lucky, the profit margins are also significantly reduced, it is difficult to meet the needs of enterprise development. How to improve the construction unit of the successful bidder, has become the core objective of the current construction enterprise. Current contractors to participate in the bidding process in the final analysis is the construction unit rely on their own strength, at the same time, take corresponding bidding strategies and tactics of tender offer, in to participate in the bidding enterprises s


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