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(一)Revision 1.How should we deal with bleeding? Find a bandage and put it on the wound.Then apply pressure to the wound. 2.Fill in blanks according to the text on p38. 1)John________in his room____he heard screaming. 2)It was__________ and ________that saved Ms Slades life. 3)He_____the bleeding by_____pressure ___ the wound until the police and ______ arrived. 4)It shows that a knowledge of first aid can ________________. (二)话题展示  你的同学李越(LiYue)在上周五放学的路上目睹了一起交通事故:一位中年妇女在过马路时被一辆汽车撞倒,她腿部严重受伤,鲜血直流,而汽车司机却逃之夭夭。李越挺身而出,实施急救并拨打120,直到把伤者送到医院。请针对这起交通事故用英语写一篇120左右的短文(开头已写好,不计入总词数)。  提示:1.简单描述这起交通事故发生的经过及受害者的伤情。   2..简单描述实施急救的过程。   3.你对这起事故的评论。1)评论司机的态度。2)评论李越的急救行为。  (参考词汇:不道德的immoral,现场scene)  Last Friday,on the way home, LiYue witnessed a traffic accident.A middle-aged woman_______________________... (三)审题 (四)构思材料 可参考的高级词汇和典型句型(语法结构) 可参考的典型句型(语法结构) (五)材料的组织 关联词的使用. eg. 段落的划分 连句成篇(小组讨论)________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Correcting  Last Friday,on the way home, LiYue witnessed a traffic accident.A middle-aged woman was walking across the street while she was knocked over by a car. LiYue saw the woman lying on the ground,with his leg bleeding heavily. However,the driver escaped from the scene in his car.  Without hesitation,LiYue called 120,rushing toward her and carried out a first aid immediately. First, he found a bandage.Then he put it on the wound and apply pressure to the wound until the police and ambulance arrived.  On one hand,as his classmates,I’m proud of that LiYue did.It was his quick action and knowledge of first aid saved the woman’s life. One the other hand,obvious the driver is to blame for the accident.what’s more,it’s immoral for him to run away,for which he should be severely punished. * Fuyuewu 高二复习写作指导课 Guidance practice of Writing was studying when Johns quick action knowledge of first aid slowed applying to ambulamce make a real difference 1.确定人称 2.确定文体 3.确定时态 4.确定内


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