Unit7 Organizing a food festival教案1(仁爱英语八年级).docVIP

Unit7 Organizing a food festival教案1(仁爱英语八年级).doc

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Unit7 Organizing a food festival教案1(仁爱英语八年级).doc

八年级下Unit7 Topic 1 Section A教案 Section A needs 1 period. Section A需用1课时。 The main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。 Ⅰ.Aims and demands 目标要求 1. Learn some new words and phrase: try one’s best, successful, imagine, soup, biscuit, pancake, cheese, pie 2. Learn some phrases about preparing for the food festival. make biscuits, learn to cook food, cook soup, set the table, write a song 3. Learn object clauses. I imagine(that) a lot of people will come to the food festival. Do you think (that) the children need to make green tea? I think they need to cook soup. 4. Talk about the ways and process to make money. Ⅱ.Teaching aids 教具 录音机/图片/幻灯片 Ⅲ.Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 12分钟) 复习并导入1a。 1. (师生问答,讨论如何帮助别人) T: If someone is in trouble, what will you do? If someone needs money, what will you do? (教师引导学生用下面的句式回答这些问题。) Ss: I think I will ... 2. (在黑板上呈现丹尼尔的图片,向学生介绍他的基本情况。) T: Look at the picture on the blackboard. Can you tell me something about him? (学生说出一些他们知道的情况。) T: Is he from China? Ss: No, he isn’t. He is from … 3. (教师将Nigeria写到黑板上,然后帮助学生完成这个句子,并说出它的大概位置。) T: He took part in the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games. He won the gold medal. He is an Olympic wrestling champion. (将画线部分写在黑板上,并用肢体语言向学生解释。) Nigeria an Olympic wrestling champion T: Does he have much money? Ss: No, he doesn’t. T: He is a very kind man. He wants to help his poor village in Nigeria. He wants to build a school for the children. What should he do? Can you help him? (让学生说出自己的观点,如果有预习的同学,可能会说出举办一次美食节。如果有,将 have a food festival写在黑板上。) T: Shall we organize a food festival for him? (板书organize。) Ss: Good idea. T: Let’s try our best to make it successful. (板书并解释successful,由success转变而来,并在黑板上列出use→useful, care→careful。) (板书) have a food festival 举办一次美食节 organize v. 组织 successful adj. 成功的,有成就的 success→successful, use→useful, care→careful (过渡到下一步。) Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 8分钟) 呈现1a。 1. (将课文中的插图呈现出来,然后放1a录音,并回答问题。) T: There are some students in the picture. They als


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