北师大版 高二英语课件 Unit 13 Lesson 3.ppt

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北师大版 高二英语课件 Unit 13 Lesson 3.ppt

Lesson3 Guessing about People Sharing with your classmates. Do you often watch news on TV? What news are you most interested in? Listening Read through the dialogue in Part2 first and fill in the blanks by listening. 1.frightened 2.separated 3.fallen 4.freezing 5. sheltering 6. some food 7.worried Complete the gaps with the word: must,may,may not,might,can’t,could. I think my cousin _____ know of one of them. They _____ be so frightened! They _______ have been separated from….. They_______ have gone exploring… They_______ be there. They_________ have any water. 情态动词数量不多,但用途广泛,主要有下列: can (could), may (might), must, need, ought to, dare (dared), shall (should), will (would) . 对现在或将来情况推测 *Must-should/ought to/could+do –may- might 可能性依次减弱 You must have met him before. He must have told my parents about it. 他一定把这件事情告诉我父母亲了。 must—may—might可能性依次减弱 must只能用于肯定句,译成“一定”。否定和疑问分别用can’t / couldn’t和can / could。 Could /Can it have happened last night ? It couldn’t/can’t have happened last night. (3).情态动词+be + -ing对正在发生的事情的猜测 They may not be having fun. She could be thinking about the her test. Look at the sentences and decide what they are talking about:a,b or c. 1.I think my cousin might know one of them. 2.They might be sheltering in a cave 3.They might have fallen behind. 情态动词典型例题专练 2. Johnny, you ______play with the knife, you ____hurt yourself. ( ) A. wont ; cant B. mustnt ; may C. shouldnt ; must D. cant ; wouldnt 4. See who’s there ! _______ it be Mary ? A. May B. Must C. Can D. will 5. Jenny ____with him at that time, for I was having dinner with her in my home. ( ) A. can’t have been B. mustn’t have been C. must be D. may be 6. Kate is already two hours late.What ____ to her? A.can have happened B.may have hap


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