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Shanxi? Shanxi location:in the west of Taihang Mountains ,and the east of Yellow River capital:Taiyuan dialect:Jin language(晋语)、or Zhongyuan Mandarin[m?nd?rin] (中原官话) weather conditions:Temperate Continental Monsoon [m?nsu:n] Climate(温带大陆性季风气候) This is my hometown Taigu county is located in the central of Shanxi Province. It was built in the Western Han Dynasty. It has a long history, and highly developed culture and trade. Together with Qixian, Pingyao ,Taigu is well-known as Jin Merchant s hometown. There are also many Jin Merchant compounds, among which the Cao family compound(曹家大院 or 三多堂) and the Kong Xiangxi house(孔祥熙宅院) ( Kong Xiangxi was born in Taigu ) are the representatives. Sacred[seikrid] medicines Guiling Jiu(龟龄酒) and Dingkun Dan(定坤丹)used at the court have enjoyed a great reputation for a long time. Taigu cake and Huping jujube[d?u:d?u:b](壶瓶枣) are also famous in the whole nation. In Ming ,Qing and Minguo period, exceedingly [iksi:di?li] wealthy men gathered in Taigu, making it Shanxis financial and commercial center, known as drought dock(旱码头), little Beijing(小北京),gold Taigu(金太谷). Tourist attractions With great natural and cultural landscapes,Shanxi has the most abundant tourism resources in China. 【世界文化遗产】(World Cultural Heritage )平遥古城、云冈石窟、五台山,涌现出一批风景区入选世界纪录协会世界纪录。    【国家级自然保护区】(National Nature Reserves ) 历山、交城庞泉沟、宁武芦芽山、阳城莽河、五鹿山 太行山大峡谷    【国家重点风景名胜区】(national key scenic spot [si:n?k sp?t]) 五台山、恒山、黄 河壶口瀑布、北武当山、五老峰 云冈石窟/悬空寺    【国家地质公园】(National Geopark ) 黄河壶口瀑布、宁武万年冰洞、五台山、壶关太行山大峡谷、大同火山群、霍山国家地质公园    【全国重点文物保护单位】 六批共271处,数量居全国第一。  【第一批全国古籍重点保护单位名单】 山西省图书馆、山西博物院    【中国历史文化名城】 大同、平遥、祁县、新绛、代县、太原   【中国历史文化名镇名村】五批共30个,数量居全国第一。    红色旅游圣地:    八路军太行纪念馆,平型关大捷纪念馆,百团大战总指挥部砖壁旧址,麻田八路军总部纪念馆,黄崖洞兵工厂旧址,左权将军烈士陵园,抗日军政大学总校蟠龙旧址,山西大同煤峪口万人坑,刘胡兰纪念馆等。 平遥古城The Ancient City of Ping Yao Overhead view of The Ancient City of Ping Yao Hukou Falls壶口瀑布 Yungang Grottoes[ɡr?t?u] 云冈石窟 Mount Wutai 五台山 Taihang Grand Canyon[k?nj?n] 太行山大峡谷 FOOD China se


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